Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Recording (full):
Tiny URL for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-Weebly-ValerieBurton-3-23-13
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+MAR232013
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session will be added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: https://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=805507
(Note: Click on tab for "Weebly ePortfolios-Valerie Burton" in the LiveBinder)
Online presence
https://twitter.com/MsBisOnline (Twitter)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ms-B-is-Online/156586431043779 (Ms. B. is Online on Facebook for students and parents )
http://2blog2share2learn.edublogs.org/ (Valerie Burton’s blog)
http://about.me/VRBurton (Valerie Burton’s About Me site)
http://about.me/BurtonsScholars (Valerie Burton’s Class Site)
http://msbisonline.weebly.com/ (Valerie Burton’s eportfolio on Weebly)
http://englishiwork.weebly.com (New class website-under construction)
http://msbisonline.weebly.com/my-presentations.html (Valerie Burton’s presentation links)
http://msbisonline.weebly.com/2/post/2012/04/creating-eportfolios.html (Creating ePortfolio slideshare for Classroom 2.0 Social Learning Conference, April 2012)
http://www.screenr.com/44qs (Valerie’s screencast with tips for how to use Weebly)
https://sas.elluminate.com/dr.jnlp?sid=2008350&suid=D.AB8783B931B3B920AB9BEA215485C8 (Recording link for Social Learning Conference presentation)
http://www.slideshare.net/vrburton/weebly-eportfolio-for-densi-2012 (Creating ePortfolios Using Weebly presentation, DENSI 2012)
http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=902 (Tools to Create, Produce and Publish, K12 Online Presentation, 2011)
http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=1109 (Valerie’s K12 Online Conference Weebly presentation with her students)
Weebly VIP Links
http://www.weebly.com (Weebly home page)
http://www.weebly.com/features.php (Weebly features)
http://education.weebly.com/ (Education Weebly home page)
http://youtu.be/5AqR6vo0pno (Weebly for Education demo video)
http://bit.ly/WeeblyMsB (Weebly.com for ePortfolios Smore Poster)
http://help.weebly.com/beginners-guide.html (Weebly Beginner’s Guide)
http://4eportfolios.weebly.com/ (4 Teachers 4eportfolios site)
http://4eportfolios.weebly.com/4-teachers.html (4eportfolios-What can you do with a Weebly?)
http://4eportfolios.weebly.com/ways-to-use-weebly.html (4eportfolios-Ways to use Weebly)
Student ePortfolios
http://syaisomanang.weebly.com/ (Student example Sara’s Work Paradise)
http://syaisomanang.weebly.com/short-stories.html (Student example: Sara’s Short Story Assignments)
http://syaisomanang.weebly.com/nonfiction.html (Student example: Sara’s Non-fiction Assignments)
http://dlj5105.weebly.com/about-me.html (Dominic Josephs-Spaulding ePortfolio)
http://courtneyrc.weebly.com/ (Courtney’s Crib ePortfolio)
http://scholarsbattlebullies.weebly.com/ (Scholars Battle Bullies blog)
http://scholarsbattlebullies.weebly.com/jameya.html (Scholars Battle Bullies-Meet Ja’Meya)
http://4eportfolios.weebly.com/2011-2012-work.html (2011-12 work 4eportfolios)
Class/School Websites
http://hillcrestdiv4.weebly.com/ (Mr. Hong’s Class Website)
http://mrsthiessensclass.weebly.com/index.html (Mrs. Thiessen’s Social Studies Class Site)
http://aydenmiddleknights.weebly.com/ (Ayden Middle School)
http://theparde.weebly.com/ (The Parde Site-6th Grade)
http://oakbluffsmv.weebly.com/ (Oak Bluffs School)
http://classroom-technology.weebly.com/ (Classroom Technology)
http://bhslibrary.weebly.com/ (Brookline High School Library)
Teacher ePortfolios
http://ripplingpond.weebly.com/ (Kathy Shield’s 5th Grade Site)
http://sampleengsite.weebly.com/ (Sample English site on Weebly)
http://mcurcio.weebly.com/ (Mr. Curcio’s Teaching ePortfolio)
http://www.jaymejacobson.com/index.html (Jayme Jacobson’s ePortfolio)
http://jackiegerstein.weebly.com/ (Jackie Gerstein’s ePortfolio)
http://bit.ly/MsBandWeebly (Presentation slides for this webinar)
http://msbisonline.weebly.com/weebly-for-eportfolios.html (Exemplars to examine)
http://www.schoolleadershipsummit.com (School Leadership Summit: Thursday, March 28, 2013)
http://virtconlive.com/ (DEN Spring Virtual Conference: Saturday, April 20, 2013)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session:
http://threering.com/ (Three Ring for student eportfolios
http://bes3rd.weebly.com/index.html (Glenn Hervieux (@SISQITMAN):
My old website that my former partner teacher is still using)
http://loriesonlinetutoring.weebly.com/blog.html Lorie Moffat: my Weebly site)
http://kieferhssd.weebly.com/ (mary: My site is under construction. The one my class uses the most is Project Sites. I have Symbaloos with site links for students and parents)
http://fit4lifecb.weebly.com/ (Glenn Hervieux (@SISQITMAN): Here's a student site: PBL - Healthy Teens-This was done by high school sophomores)
http://goo.gl/TFePu (Glenn Hervieux: page of links from the teacher's Weebly site to student movies-Book reports)
http://weedrun4schools.weebly.com/index.html (Glenn Hervieux (@SISQITMAN):
Here is a PBL of students, their teacher, and community members putting on a 10K run to raise money for their school. This site is an "Event" site)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/weebly/id511158309?mt=8 (@shamblesguru [philippines]: Weebly App. In the description of the iPhone App "With over 11 million users, Weebly is a free, easy, and fun way to create a blog and manage your website, all from your iPhone." ... the App is free)
http://justabitmoore.weebly.com/ (Tammy Moore’s Weebly site)
http://clustrmap.com (Clustr maps are a great way to see where people are from who are visiting your site and blog posts)
http://livebinders.com (Livebinders-another great way to create eportfolios and Weebly sites/blogs can be embedded in Livebinders)
https://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=125516 (Mrs. Cobb's Class Connections-Livebinder demonstrating use of Weebly with lots of Weebly resources)