Date:Saturday February 27, 2016
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
Join us on February 27th when we will be hosting an "Open Mic" show on the topic of “Using Games in the Classroom." We are using an "Open Mic" format for this show and hope you will be as excited about it as we are. We love the Open Mic format because it provides a way for all of our participants to be actively involved in the live show. For this show there will not be a guest presenter, but we are inviting all of you to join us and take the mic to engage in a conversation or share in the chat about your favorite classroom games as a teacher. Paula Naugle will facilitate the sharing and lots of great ideas will be coming from the participants. Start thinking about ways you have used games in your classroom and come prepared to share your stories and experiences on the microphone. Think back to your fondest memories of playing childhood games whether at home or at school. Think about games like dice games, board games, card games, or games using computers or mobile devices that you have enjoyed. Have you ever created original games or modified games for new purposes? Have you challenged your students to create their own games? What are some of the most successful games you have used in your classroom?
Come with your ideas, resources, and questions and together we will learn about some great possibilities for using games in the classroom and how games support learning and social/emotional development. Paula will facilitate the conversation and we hope you'll come prepared to share something with your headset/earbuds on to take the mic and add to the conversation. We'll have an awesome Livebinder prepared with ideas for playing and creating games and will look forward to adding your resources to the Livebinder. Invite your colleagues to join us in the conversation and we'll all learn together.
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording:
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/February27_2016
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1937522
(Note: Click on tab for "Open Mic: Games in the Classroom" in the Livebinder)
Board Game Resources
Make your own Operation board game - http://www.instructables.com/id/Your-own-Operation-Board-Game/?ALLSTEPS
No-Tech Board Games That Teach Coding Skills to Young Children | MindShift | KQED News http://bit.ly/1oB4jTu
Children's board games help reinforce lessons learned in the classroom http://wapo.st/215eCAh
First Grader...at Last!: Candy Land: Sight Word Edition! http://bit.ly/1XEeoKP
Classic games are powerful learning aids in the classroom http://bit.ly/1XEeCBP
Top 5 Board Games for ESL Classrooms and Ways You Never Thought to Use Them | FluentU English Educator Blog http://bit.ly/1XEf9DE
Classroom Activities: In Praise of Old-School Board Games http://bit.ly/1XEfTJ0
Student Created Board Games - presentation.pdf http://bit.ly/1XEgPwV
Sight Words: Practice with Popular Games! - teachtrainlove.com http://bit.ly/1XEgXfS
Free Candy Land Addition & Subtraction | Ironic Adventures http://bit.ly/1XEhI8O
Paula Naugle’s WORDO Game Boards - Google Docs http://bit.ly/1PO3jUq
Card Games/Dice Games Resources
Acing Math (One Deck at a Time!) Reid and Stott Problem Solving Math Card Games.pdf http://bit.ly/1XEjVBf
Dice_and_Card_Games_to_Practice_Math_Facts.pdf http://bit.ly/1XEkfjd
Fairy Tale Dice | Activity | Education.com http://bit.ly/1XEkta3
Making Math More Fun Card Games (download and printable) http://bit.ly/1XEkNWi
Math Games Using Dice http://bit.ly/1XElFKN
Math Dice Games for Middle School http://bit.ly/1XElNd7
http://www.thebookchook.com/2013/05/more-dice-games-for-kids.html (The Book Chook: More Dice Games for Kids)
http://www.thebookchook.com/2012/02/my-almost-interactive-prompt-for.html (The Book Chook: My Almost Interactive Prompt for Writing. A low-tech game to encourage children's writing using digital dice. You and your kids could use real dice, or invent your own game with dice as a chance element.)
Online/Technology Games Resources
Kahoot - http://getkahoot.com
Jeopardy Labs - http://jeopardylabs.com
Quizlet - http://quizlet.com
BreakoutEDU - http://www.breakoutedu.com/
Other Resources
Game-a-thon - MIND Research Institute http://bit.ly/1oCpqoh
Looking for a fun and challenging activity for your students? Show off their math and problem-solving skills by participating in the 3rd annual National K-12 Game-a-thon challenge!
http://www.shellyterrell.com/games.html (Shelly Terrell: Game-Based Learning resources)
https://www.pinterest.com/shellyterrell/online-games-for-kids/ (Shelly Terrell’s Pinterest board: Online Games for Kids)
http://www.jccsskc.edu.hk/english/links_games.htm (ESL Games and Activities)
http://www.slideshare.net/ShellTerrell/game-based-learning-for-language-learners (Shelly Terrell presentation and resources for Game Based Learning for Language Learners)
http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2008/04/21/the-best-websites-for-creating-online-learning-games/ (Larry Ferlazzo: Best Websites for Creating Online Learning Games)
http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2016/02/two-excellent-web-tools-for-creating.html (Two Excellent Web Tools for Creating Video Games)
http://learninginhand.com/blog/quizizz (Tony Vincent: Quizizz-alternative to Kahoot for class quiz games)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M9MnIlO6oNfaPzzlh3bbon5TvjQbD5OBBC3sTEKnuI0/edit (Matthew Farber and Steve Isaacs: Student Game Jams)
http://educatorinnovator.org/game-jams-in-the-classroom/ (Game Jams in the Classroom)
http://k12onlineconference.org/2015/10/20/game-jams/ (Matt Farber K12 Online Conference presentation: Game Jams-Students as Designers)
http://www.games4ed.org/ (Games4ed)
http://www.k-12techdecisions.com/article/games_for_education_how_and_where_to_find_them (The Secret to Finding the Best Games for Education)
http://www.mathplayground.com/ (Math Playground-free online games)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KOXJsVUO__lv5bEs2PIvzcuKCSYNEsHXpUqmOHZJt30/edit (Digital Learning Game Database)
http://www.bigfishgames.com/blog/ten-ways-we-learn-from-games/ (10 Ways we Learn From Games)
http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/02/09/the-benefits-of-paper-prototypes-in-games-and-learning/ (The Benefits of Paper Prototypes in Games and Learning)
http://cybraryman.com/gamesined.html (Cybraryman: Games in Education resources)
http://www.classtools.net/ (Classtools: create free games, activities and quizzes)
http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2014/05/01/how-games-based-learning-teaches-problem-solving-in-context/ (How Games-Based Learning Teaches Problem Solving in Context)
Closing Slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
http://www.robotturtles.com/ (@bcdtech Maureen: Robot Turtles, the game for little programmers)
http://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/superhero-computer-coding-game-without-a-computer/ (@bcdtech Maureen: SuperHero Computer Coding Game without a Computer)
http://www.flippity.net/ (@bcdtech Maureen: Flippity, is online. Easily turn a Google™ Spreadsheet into a set of Online Flashcards)
http://www.setgame.com/quiddler (@stidmama: Quiddler: For the Fun of Words. There are two bonuses each round: one for the longest word and one for the most words! The object is to arrange all the cards in your hand into one or more words. Quiddler sharpens spelling skills and increases vocabulary and critical thinking skills. The dictionary becomes your friend in this game! You will use it when challenging a word of another player and more importantly, when it is not your turn, you will use it to look up words.)
http://thinkersmith.org/about-us/curriculum/ (@bcdtech Maureen: computer science - unplugged. an exciting series of unplugged lessons that will be integrated with the 20 Hrs of Code series from Code.org. Feel free to play with all of those at no charge!)
http://www.amazon.com/Hands-Games-using-Cards-Volume/dp/0968161332 (Lisa @thehomeworkdog: Book: All Hands On Deck: Math Games using Cards and Dice, Volume II: Grades 1-9)
http://www.weareteachers.com/blogs/post/2015/01/15/11-vocab-review-games-to-make-the-learning-stick (11 Vocabulary Review Games to Make the Learning Stick)
http://busyteacher.org/7756-top-10-board-games-for-the-esl-classroom.html (Top 10 Board Games for the ESL Classroom)
https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/28-english-grammar-dice-games-fun-to-play-all-fully-resourced-just-add-dice-11041310 (@bcdtech Maureen: grammar games TES-28 English grammar dice games, fun to play, all fully resourced - just add dice!)
http://bit.ly/1XEljDT (@plnaugle(Paula): I bought foam cubes at the Dollar Store and made the quietest dice by adding dots with a Sharpie to each side. Could also add letters instead for word games. 50 pieces = 25 sets of “ueit dice”or $1.00!!!
https://www.pinterest.com/dkindergarden/foam-cubes/ (Pinterest board by Diane Mitton: ideas for foam cubes)
https://prodigygame.com/index-b.php (Prodigy Game: free curriculum-aligned math game for gr. 1-8)
https://jet.com/product/detail/ce6e14248d96475e9c8c7a48dee115c9 (Lisa@thehomeworkdog: Whisper Dice-50 tiny six sided square edged 5mm white dice are numbered one to six with traditional dice pips)
http://dragonbox.com/home (Lorie Moffat: math-numbers, algebra, elements)
http://www.controlaltachieve.com/2016/01/jeopardy-templates-google-slides.html (@stidmama: Jeopardy game templates for Google Slides by Eric Curts)
http://oblectamentum.com/games/Aequilibrium.html (Patti Ruffing: Physics-based puzzle with 20 various levels.)
http://hes.symbaloo.com/home/mix/hesbookmarks (@bcdtech Maureen:
Hadley Elementary School, MA symbaloo mix for student games, apps and resources)
http://fizzlebot.com/cdt3.php (shared by Patti Ruffing)
http://www.tinytap.it/ (@bcdtech Maureen: AMAZING! try this one.. make or play your own games online or on app. I used for varied grades.. a 7th graders w/Downes... 5th graders, 3rd, and 1st... Check it out.)
http://pbskids.org/apps/cyberchase-shape-quest.html (Lisa @thehomeworkdog
Cyberchase Shape Quest Augmented Reality game)
https://geoguessr.com/ (@bcdtech Maureen: shows you an image from Google Street View, along with a map of the world. You click on the map indicating where you think the photo might be from, and then you’re shown the actual location. You’re given points based on how close your guess was to the original location.)
http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2013/05/27/the-best-online-geography-games/ (Larry Ferlazzo: Best Online Geography games)
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Challenge_vs_skill.svg/350px-Challenge_vs_skill.svg.png (Patti Ruffing: Challenge vs Skill image)