11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
Everyone has heard of Disneyland and Disneyworld whether you have ever been able to actually visit there and experience the excitement, wonder and thrills. We are so excited to have Dr. Howie DiBlasi as our special guest presenter to share with us some of the ways we can bring this kind of excitement for learning in our own classrooms!
Webinar description:
Learn how to "Create Classroom Magic."
In this webinar, you will connect "Disney Digital Projects" and teaching in a technology-rich learning environment. Discover FREE, fun, and creative teaching strategies and tips. Explore NEW interactive websites for students in all grade levels and content areas. Create new communication tools with social media, blogs, podcasts, and visual media. Plan lessons where students construct meaning and understanding and apply a variety of skills. Explore Disney creativity projects that develop student skills involving: thinking, writing, speaking, and visual and personal development. Design class projects based on Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Disney Movies, and Leadership Lessons from Walt Disney. Learn how to incorporate theme park design concepts and the Disney Ride Project (PBL) in your class.
Dr. Howie DiBlasi is a published author, "Change Agent", Educational Technology consultant and the Producer of the “DID YOU KNOW “ You Tube series, Versions 2-3-4-5-6. He was recognized by the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (C.I.L.C) with the "Pinnacle Award" for outstanding Professional Development Programs and I.S.T.E. as the “Best of the Best” for outstanding Professional Development Programs for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. Howie has extensive experience in the education field, (20 years) business leader, (10 years) and as a C.I.O. (14 years). His emphasis is on Digital Technology, multi-media, Interactive Video Conferencing and 21st Century Learning. He has presented to thousands of Educational Leaders, administrators and teachers from Bangkok to Boston. Howie has served as a member of the I.S.T.E Board of Directors (2010-2013), state board member to C.A.L.E.T. (Colorado Assoc. of Leaders in Ed Tech) , President of the I.S.T.E –Special Interest Group: Interactive Video Conferencing, and has served as a member of the Alan November Consulting Team.
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording:
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/January14_2017
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link:
(Note: Click on tab for "Howie DiBlasi-Imagineering Your Classroom" in the Livebinder).
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hdiblasi
Web site: http://drhowie.com/
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/pd-magic-registration (PD Magic Online Graduate Class registration)
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/52-ideas (52 Innovative Classroom Ideas)
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/classroom-projects (Disney Classroom Projects)
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/day-of-coding (Tools to Introduce Coding to Kids)
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/blog (My Disney Class blog)
http://www.mydisneyclass.com/disney--books (Disney reference books)
https://www.facebook.com/mydisneyclass/ (My Disney Class on Facebook)
http://www.simplykinder.com/classroom-disney-ideas/ (Classroom Disney Ideas-Simply Kinder)
http://lol.disney.com/games/mobile-apps (Disney apps for Learning)
https://itunes.apple.com/app/id925134465?mt=8 (Mickey’s Magical Math World)
https://family.disney.com/printables/ (Free Disney Family printables)
https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Project-Based-Learning-Plan-a-Trip-to-Disney-1600236 (PBL: Plan a trip to Disney by Widdowson’s. Students see how much a real trip to Disney actually costs. TPT $5.00 digital download for lesson plan and project ideas.)
http://books.disney.com/educator-teacher-guides/ (Disney Publishing Worldwide: Teacher Guides, Activities, Videos For Books)
http://books.disney.com/book/i-really-like-slop/ (Video: I Really Like Slop)
http://www.simplykinder.com/inside-out-writing-activity/ (Teacher Guides, Activities, Videos For Books: Inside Out Writing Activity)
https://family.disney.com/crafts/ (Disney Inspired Crafts and Activities for Kids)
https://www.amazon.com/Strategies-Genius-One-Robert-Dilts/dp/091699032X/ref=sr_1_1 (Strategies of Genius Volume One: Robert Dilts)
https://deangroom.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/using-the-disney-method-in-classroom-gaming/ (Dean Groom: Using the Disney Method in Classroom Gaming)
http://dep.disney.go.com/imagineering.html (Disney Imagineering Coaster Design)
http://patents.justia.com/company/disney (Links for Disney Patents)
http://magicofwdw.com/4/post/2015/03/disney-patents.html (Disney Patents)
http://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2016/12/08/how-disney-plans-to-track-guests-eyes-to-improve.html#g1 (A patent, dubbed "gaze tracking” and recognition with image location," seeks to create a computer program that can determine where guests are looking in theme parks.)
https://drawings.google.com/ (Google Drawings) https://support.google.com/docs/answer/179740?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
https://www.tinkercad.com (Tinkercad)
https://mic.com/articles/56993/25-disney-characters-who-taught-us-life-lessons#.2NDs5BrNy (25 Disney Characters Who Taught us Life Lessons)
http://www.oneworkplace.com/blog/disney-magic-brings-design-thinking-and-making-to-the-classroom/ (Disney Magic Brings Design Thinking and Making to Any Classroom)
http://www.designthinkingforeducators.com/toolkit/ (Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit)
http://www.oneworkplace.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/953/2015/12/THINK-MAKE-LEARN-Example-Lesson-Plan-Revised.pdf (Download our Lesson Plan from the Think|Make|Learn workshop and feel free to adopt it to your class!)
https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/project-based-learning-using-disney-movies (Project Based Learning Using Disney Movies)
http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/files/tyc/The Science of Superheroes.pdf (The Science of Superheroes)
https://www.babble.com/crafts-activities/14-awesome-superhero-craft-projects/ (Awesome Superhero Craft Projects)
https://www.pinterest.com/thejoysofmyboys/fun-ideas-and-activities-for-boys/ (Fun Ideas and Activities for Boys)
http://www.mes-english.com/vkeypals/supers.php (The SuperHero Project)
http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/fantastic-characters-analyzing-creating-30637.html (Fantastic Characters: Analyzing and Creating Superheroes and Villains)
http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/professional-library/building-literacy-connections-with-30351.html (Book: Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by Page, Panel by Panel by James Bucky Carter)
http://mediasmarts.ca/lessonplan/villains-heroes-and-heroines-lesson (MediaSmarts: Villains, Heroes and Heroines Lesson)
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/28/disney-villains_n_4661417.html (A Definitive Ranking Of 25 Classic Disney Villains)
https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=disney%20villains%20wallpaper%20wallpapers (Disney Villains Wallpaper on Pinterest)
https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/genia-connell/use-popular-music-improve-reading-and-inspire-writing/ (Use popular music to improve reading and inspire writing)
https://www.commonsensemedia.org/music-lists (CommonSense Media Music Lists)
Visible Thinking: Thinking Routines: See,Think,Wonder
http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson011.shtml (Education World Lesson: Hercules: Don't "Myth" This Teaching Opportunity!)
http://winteriscoming.net/2016/03/19/the-heros-journey-in-game-of-thrones-daenerys-targaryen/ (The Heroes Journey in Game of Thrones-Daenerys Targaryen)
http://www.starwarsintheclassroom.com/ (StarWars in the Classroom)
http://www.starwars.com/go-rogue-contest (Go Rogue StarWars Video Story Contest)
https://www.gatesnotes.com/Education/How-Star-Wars-Helps-Explain-Civil-Rights (How StarWars Helps Explain Civil Rights. Gates discusses how Washington State teacher of the year, Nate Bowling, uses Star Wars to teach his students about Civil Rights.)
http://www.starwarsintheclassroom.com/content/ela/index.asp?sw=3%22%20%5Co%20%22Creative%20Writing%20Resources%20-%20Star%20Wars (StarWars in the Classroom : Creative Writing Resources)
http://www.starwarsintheclassroom.com/content/hj/rey_hj.asp (StarWars: The Heroine’s Journey of Rey. Examine how the elements of the Hero's Journey tie in with the story of Rey, a scavenger from the isolated desert world of Jakku.)
http://www.starwarsintheclassroom.com/content/index.asp (StarWars Content Area Resources, Current Events)
http://www.starwarsintheclassroom.com/essentials/index.asp?sw=5 (StarWars in the Classroom: Music Essentials)
http://www.studioscentral.com/13-must-read-disney-world-blogs (13 Must-Read Disney World Blogs)
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/21-fanatical-disney-park-bloggers-joey-mcgirr (21 Fanatical Disney Bloggers)
http://www.wdwfanzone.com/author/drhowie/ (Howie DiBlasi: WDW Fan Zone)
http://mydisneyclass.libsyn.com/ (My Disney Class Podcast)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mydisneyclasspodcast/id1055205344?mt=2 (My Disney Class Podcast: Subscribe on iTunes)
Closing Slides:
http://2017.educon.org/ (Educon 2017)
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)