Saturday, January 16, 2010
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full):
Tiny url for full recording: http://tinyurl.com/cr20live-civilwarsallie
Recording (audio):
Topic: Civil War Technology Projects
Special Guest: Civil War Sallie/Sarah Beeghley and Jim Beeghley
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions:
http://civilwarsallie.wikispaces.com (Sarah Beeghley's wikispace: Civil War Sallie)
http://www.civilwarsallie.blogspot.com/ (Sarah Beeghley's blog)
http://twitter.com/civilwarsallie (CivilWarSallie on Twitter)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/civilwarsallie (CivilWarSallie's Photo Stream)
http://civilwarsallie.wikispaces.com/Civil+War+Websites (Sarah Beeghley's Favorite Civil War Websites)
http://civilwarsallie.wikispaces.com/Teachers (Sarah Beeghley's Teacher's Page: Civil War Book Related, Curriculum Supplements, Lesson Plans, Web 2.0 Ideas, Webquests)
http://civilwarsallie.wikispaces.com/Students (Sarah Beeghley's Student Page)
http://civilwarsallie.wikispaces.com/SignUp (Sarah Beeghley: Link to sign up for classes who would like to participate in the project and have Sallie visit your school)
http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Civil_War.html (Sarah Beeghley: Collection of Links and Resources from KidsInfo)
http://www.teachthecivilwar.com/ (Jim Beeghley: Teaching the Civil War with Technology companion wikispace to Sarah's wiki)
http://blog.teachthecivilwar.com/ (Jim Beeghley: Blog for Teaching the Civil War with Technology)
http://teachthecivilwar.wikispaces.com/(Jim Beeghley: Wiki for Teaching the Civil War with Technology)
http://speakingofhistory.blogspot.com/ (Speaking of History Blog-Eric Langhorst, 8th grade History Teacher, Liberty, MO)
http://volunteersinparks.blogspot.com/ (My Year of Living Rangerously-An online journal of Mannie Gentile, a National Park Service interpretive ranger working at our nation's finest National Battlefield: Antietam.)
http://blog.teachthecivilwar.com/miscellaneous/read-books-on-the-civil-war-online/ (Jim Beeghley: Read Books for the Civil War Online)
http://www.futureofeducation.com/forum/topics/student-and-teacher-authentic (Future of Education Panel Presentation Elluminate recording including Sarah and Jim Beeghley: Student (and Teacher) Authentic Contributions--The Long Tail in Education)
http://www.freewebs.com/mytravelbear/index.htm (My Travel Bear: Website for traveling bear project created by a student-travel with Dexter and Ripley around the world)
http://americanhistoryrules.blogspot.com/ (American History Rules! a blog about the ins and outs of Mr. Taft's 8th grade American History class. It includes podcasts, discussion, assignments , class information and more! Play the Voki!)
http://karlfisch.wikispaces.com/abbytravelogue (Karl Fisch wiki: Abby's Travelogue-creative use of wikis to support his 3rd gr. daughter's class project)
http://gowest.wikispaces.com/ (Let's Go West wiki created by third graders)
http://crosbyprojects.wikispaces.com/Animal+Ark (Brian Crosby: 4th Grade Student Wiki created by students-Animal Ark)
http://wikisineducation.wetpaint.com/page/Student+Created+Wikis (Wikis in Education: Compilation of student-created wikis for various grades/school projects)
http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/10/09/thoughts-on-setting-up-a-student-created-wiki/ (Silvia Tolisano: Thoughts on Setting up a Student Created Wiki)
http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/10/20/setting-up-and-introducing-a-collaborative-student-math-wiki/(Silvia Tolisano: Setting Up and Introducing a Collaborative Student Math Wiki)
http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/09/25/teddy-bear-traveling-again/ (Silvia Tolisano: Teddy Bear Traveling Again-to Italy with links to earlier trips-China,Egypt,LatinAmerica)