Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Saturday, August 17th, 2013. Shelly shared some fantastic resources for incorporating audio and listening tools into classrooms. Many were browser based, some were apps and all were free! She also shared ways to use these tools in classrooms.
About Shelly:
Shelly Sanchez Terrell is an education thought-provoker, teacher trainer, author, and international speaker. She is the host ofAmerican TESOL’s Free Friday Webinars and the Social Media Community Manager forThe Consultants-E. She has co-founded and organized the acclaimed educational projects,Edchat,the ELTON nominatedELTChat,The Reform Symposium E-Conference and the ELTON nominatedVirtual Round Table language and technology conference. Her prolific presence in the educator community through social media has been recognized by several notable entities, such asThe New York Times andMicrosoft’s Heroes for Education .She has also traveled to over 15 countries worldwide to train teachers and consult with organizations such as UNESCO Bangkok, The European Union aPLaNet Project, Cultura Iglesa of Brazil, the British Council in Tel Aviv, IATEFL Slovenia, HUPE Croatia, and the British Council in South East Asia. Visit her education blog, Teacher Reboot Camp, to find free resources about the effective integration of technology with learners. Keep an eye out for her book, The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators published by Eye on Education. Participate with nearly 10000 other educators worldwide in the online completion of these goals. Find her on Twitter, @ShellTerrell.
Recording (full):
Tiny URL for Recording:
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVEAug172013
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: https://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=937692
(Note: Click on tab for "Shelly Terrell-Listening Tools" in the LiveBinder)
http://shellyterrell.com/about/ (About Shelly Terrell)
http://www.slideshare.net/ShellTerrell/listening-tools-2013-tesol (Slideshare with slides for presentation)
http://pear.ly/ceiej (Pearltree for webinar resources and links)
https://www.livebinders.com/shelf/search_author?terms=shellyterrell (Shelly’s Livebinders)
http://bit.ly/ShellTerrell (Shelly’s Projects and PD Livebinder)
http://goanimate.com/videomaker/quickvideo (Quick Video Maker)
http://blabberize.com/ (Blabberize)
http://voki.com/ (Voki)
http://intervue.me/ (Intervu.me: instantly capture video interviews)
https://www.peanutgalleryfilms.com/ (Peanut Gallery Films: add subtitles to a silent film with your voice)
http://Bit.ly/pbsfridgegame (PBS Fridge Game: seven interactive games designed to help elementary school students gain reading comprehension competencies)
http://vocaroo.com/ (Vocaroo: email and save recordings, embed on blogs/wikis/websites)
https://ed.voicethread.com/ (Voicethread for Education: record voice/text, can upload videos, images, documents and annotate them, free ipad app. No software to install but flash required)
http://lyricstraining.com/ (Lyrics Training: Practice listening while enjoying your favorite songs, select level & fill in gaps for words as you listen)
http://anita-kwiatkowska.blogspot.com/ (l_missbossy's ELT playground: includes tutorial on how to use Lyrics Training)
http://www.tuneintoenglish.com/ (Tune into English: Resource for learning English through pop music)
http://www.voxopop.com/ (Voxopop: voice-based elearning tool-participate in talk groups to help students develop their speaking skills)
http://www.englishclub.com/ (English Club: helping you learn English or teach English. You'll find everything from lessons for learners to jobs for teachers, including fun pages like games, videos, quizzes and chat)
http://www.englishcentral.com (English Central: Learn words, listen to the line, type the hidden words, study the word)
http://audiopuzzler.com/ (Audio Puzzler: new kind of puzzle game based on snippets of audio found online. Audio is taken from popular video clips, so that when you complete the puzzle you'll be able to watch the video)
http://elllo.org (English Listening Lesson Library Online-Learn English Naturally - Videos : Audio : Quizzes : Vocabulary)
http://www.esl-lab.com (ESL Lab: listening quizzes, vocabulary lessons, language learning and life tips, longer videos and interviews with RealVideo)
http://www.manythings.org (ManyThings: web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted language learning activities. Even though the primary focus is for ESL, native English speakers may also find some interesting things on this site. This site is non-commercial and has no advertising.)
http://www.listen-and-write.com (Listen and Write: free listening practice)
http://ListenAMinute.com (Listen a Minute: Listen a little every day to improve your listening skills. Focus on new words, grammar and pronunciation in short texts. Doing the online activities, discussion, survey and writing will help).
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sock-puppets/id394504903?mt=8 (Sock Puppets app for iphone/ipad: lets you create your own lip-synched videos and share them on Facebook and YouTube. Add Puppets, props, scenery, and backgrounds and start creating. Hit the record button and the puppets automatically lip-synch to your voice)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/voicee-talk-whenever!/id486604582?mt=8 (Voicee iOS app: record voice messages back and forth asynchronously, record voice offline and it updates when connected)
http://www.recordiumapp.com/ (Recordium iOS app: highlight parts that matter, annotate points for future reference, edit audio as you go)
http://ipadio.com/ (iPadio: broadcast, record, playback, share audio up to 60 minutes. Record by phone or app. Add up to 4 photos. Great for podcasting)
http://www.educreations.com/ (Educreations: create and share amazing video lessons with iPad or browser)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/talking-ben-the-dog/id416345319?mt=8 (Talking Ben the Dog iPad iphone, ipad, ipodtouch app-Ben is a retired chemistry professor who likes his quiet comfortable life of eating, drinking and reading newspapers. To make him responsive, you will have to bother him long enough that he will fold his newspaper. Then you can talk to him, poke or tickle him or even have a telephone conversation with him. Many languages available).
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/talking-tom-cat/id377194688?mt=8 (Talking Tom the Cat iphone, ipodtouch, ipad app: Tom is your pet cat, that responds to your touch and repeats everything you say with a funny voice. You can pet him, poke him or grab his tail. Many languages available).
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/talking-tom-ben-news/id444946356?mt=8 (Talking Tom and Ben News: Talking Tom & Ben have become famous TV news anchors! Talk to them and they will repeat what you say in turns. Create & record funny conversations between them. Many languages available.)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bunsella-bedtimes-story/id501260057?mt=8 (Bunsella Bedtime app: adults narrate a story for child, add their photo, then compile their voice-over to create a movie. Email or post on Facebook or YouTube and child can respond with a video narration.)
http://www.soundcloud.com (SoundCloud: Do you create music and audio? Post your sounds to share them with friends, fans and followers everywhere.)
https://soundcloud.com/shelly-sanchez-terrell (SoundCloud by Shelly: Can you guess where I am?)
http://qrvoice.net (QR Voice: create an audio QR code in multiple languages)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session:
http://www.amazon.com/Academic-Conversations-Classroom-Critical-Understandings/dp/157110884X (Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings by Jeff Zwiers and Marie Crawford)
http://www.jeffzwiers.com/ac/index.html (Academic Conversation resources)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/radio/ ( @shamblesguru: Student Radio Stations)
http://shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/qrcode/ (@shamblesguru: QR Codes in T&L)
https://sites.google.com/site/mysterylocationcalls/ (@plnaugle: Learn more about Mystery Location calls here)
http://shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/animation/ (@shamblesguru: GoAnimate ... and look-a-likes)
http://youtu.be/pMUbSe2JNCI (@shamblesguru: The more functional software for Mac .. like Blabberize is CrazyTalk 7 ... but not free ... I used it yesterday to animate a cat)
http://blog.voki.com/2013/03/08/news-flash-voki-now-on-ipad/ (News Flash: Voki Now on iPad using the Rover app)
https://tellagami.com/ (Tellagami: a mobile app that lets you create and share a quick animated message called a Gami)
http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=1147743&height=267&width=200 (@plnaugle: A Voki made by one of my students)
http://shambles.net/pages/staff/youtube/ (@shamblesguru: Remember that once you upload a video to youtube you can ... add annotations .... add subtitles (in different languages) ... add additional music track ... all free parts of YouTube itself)
http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/ (PBS Learning Media: instant access to tens of thousands of classroom-ready, digital resources including videos, games, audio clips, photos, lesson plans, and more! You can search, save, and share with ease. Best of all, PBS LearningMedia is free for educators.)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/vthread/ (@shamblesguru: Voicethread resources on Shambles.net)
http://pinterest.com/chasemarch/boards/ (My Pinterest boards: Chase March)
http://russellstannard.com/ (Russell Stannard’s home page)
http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/ (Russell Stannards Training Videos-all free!)
http://www.effingpot.com/ (@ukgrossman: The American's guide to speaking British)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/primary/Puppets/ (@shamblesguru:
Puppets- I like the videos from The Edupuppets of PATUE for teacher CPD)
http://appsgonefree.getapp.cc/app/TH/381708655 (@shamblesguru [thailand]
AHHHH .... I tweeted this yesterday .. hope still free Talking Larry the Bird for iPad--normally $3 today free)
http://www.homeschoolconference.com/ (@shamblesguru: The Homeschool Conf. 23-24 Aug 2013 online and free!)
http://www.symbaloo.com (Symbaloo)
http://digitalstorytelling4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/47970976/Sandbox (Shelly Terrell: Sandbox for digital storytelling)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/dstorytell/ (@shamblesguru: Digital Storytelling resources)
http://shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/apps_story/ (@shamblesguru: Digital Storytelling Apps)