Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2012-01-21.0809.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny Url for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-JoeMazza
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+JAN212012
Audio Recording:
Special Guest: Joe Mazza
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session will be added at the end of the list and also on the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/edit?id=266490
(Note: Click on tab for "Joe Mazza" in the LiveBinder.)
http://efacetoday.blogspot.com/ (Joe Mazza's blog)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/Meet+the+Principal (About Joe Mazza, Principal)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/*NEW+Mobile+%27Knapp+App%27 (New Mobile Knapp App)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/eNews+Knapp+Newsletter (Archive of school newsletters)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/Home+%26+School+Mtgs (Home and School Meetings page with welcome video from Joe Mazza)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/KnappTV (Knapp TV channel on YouTube)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/Knapp+in+the+News (Knapp in the News-newspaper articles, videos)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/Twitter (Knapp on Twitter - @knappelementary)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/School+Family+Blog (School Family Blog)
http://www.ourschool.ca/?p=4375 (Parents as Partners webinar with Joe Mazza)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/Internet+Safety (Knapp Internet Safety resources)
https://knappwiki.wikispaces.com/*Volunteer+Here* (Knapp Volunteer Info page)
http://efacetoday.blogspot.com/2011/10/aiming-to-raise-attendance-at-monthly.html (Joe Mazza: Aiming to Raise Parent Attendance at monthly parent meetings)
https://plus.google.com/117941221569817426276/about (Joe Mazza on Google Plus)
https://twitter.com/#!/Joe_Mazza (Joe Mazza on Twitter)
http://www.ourschool.ca/?p=4390 (Lorna Costantini-Transparency and open communication with parents)
http://www.ourschool.ca/?p=4385#comment-17459 (Lorna Costantini-What parents think about social media for connecting with schools)
http://adunsiger.com/2012/01/16/sharing-photographs-and-videos-online/ (Aviva Dunsiger-Sharing photos and videos online)
http://live.classroom20.com/1/post/2010/06/technology-integration-in-grade-one-classroom-special-guest-aviva-dunsiger.html (Aviva Dunsiger-Classroom 2.0 LIVE presentation about technology use in first grade classroom and how she uses technology to communicate with parents)
http://adunsiger.com/2010/06/09/weact-building-the-homeschool-connection/ (Aviva Dunsiger-Building the Home School Connection)
http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/862 (George Couros-An Open Letter to Administrators)
Http://ustream.tv (Web streaming site for Home and School Meetings)
http://www.coveritlive.com (Online chat software for back channel discussions at Home and School Meeting)
http://youtu.be/i1CbHylGfnE (YouTube video about Knapp School using a live video feed and discussion forum for parents to participate in Home and School Meetings from home)
http://anymeeting.com (Web conferencing application for Home and School Meeting January 24, 2012)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session:
http://www.ourschool.ca/?p=4264 (Dr. Joyce Epstein interview on Parents as Partners
http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/center.htm (Dr. Joyce Epstein-Director of Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships)
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=83641 (Lorna Costantini Parent Engagement Livebinder)
http://www.hwdsb.on.ca/parents/ (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board-Parent Resources)
http://www.lcps.org/hamilton (Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary School website using Twitter feed on home page)
http://bloggucation.learninghood.ca/2012/01/21/parent-engagement-vs-involvement-and-why-it-is-necessary/ (Aaron Puley: Parent Engagement vs. Involvement and Why It is Necessary)
https://twitter.com/#!/bloggucation/parent-engagement (Aaron Puley: a Twitter list created for people who are passionate about parent engagement)
http://www.connectedprincipals.com/ (Connected Principals Blog)
http://www.connectedprincipals.com/archives/category/parental-involvement (Connected Principals blog post on parental involvement)
http://live.classroom20.com/1/category/connectedprincipals/1.html (An excellent Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinar on Connected Principals with principals George Couros and Patrick Larkin. Recordings and links)
http://phonevite.com/ (Telannia-Phonevite for inviting parents to school events)
http://wiggio.com/ (Telannia-another site for hosting online meetings and managing group communication with parents)
http://www.webmobi.com/ (Webmobi-site for creating your own mobile apps used by Joe Mazzo)
http://mobile.conduit.com/ (Steven Anderson: another tool to create mobile apps)
http://blog.matbury.com/2011/12/11/a-thorny-issue-protecting-teachers-and-learners-right-to-privacy/ (Matt: A Thorny Issue Protecting Teachers and Learners Right to Privacy)
http://bitly.com/curationsocialmediaking (Lucian: Tools and apps for curation)
http://www.pingg.com/ (Carolyn Stanley: online invitation tool)
http://vyew.com (Reba: Vyew web conferencing tool)
http://twtpoll.com/ (Aviva Dunsiger: Twtpoll is an instant polling site)
http://principalj.blogspot.com/2011/10/expanding-my-pln-on-twitter.html (Reflections from an Elementary School Principal blog: value of Twitter)
http://remind101.com/ (Aviva Dunsiger: Remind101 is a great tool for teachers to stay in touch with parents. Can register to get an email too and there's no worry about texting costs)
http://www.studyisland.com/web/index/ (Study Island: program used in Joe Mazzo’s school-web based instruction, practice, assessment and reporting)
https://it.twitter.com/#!/rmbyrne/lists/k12-school-adminstrators (List of K12 School Administrators on Twitter compiled by Richard Byrne (FreeTeach4Teachers). Follow their tweets on this list or select administrators you would like to follow by clicking on their Twitter ID.)
http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1484/social-media-mobile-internet-use-teens-millennials-fewer-blog (Sheri Edwards: Pew Research Center research on teens use of social media)
http://efacetoday.blogspot.com/2011/10/cutting-edge-note-taking-for-school.html (Joe Mazza: Evernote-Cutting Edge Note-taking for School Leaders and Students)