Saturday, December 5, 2009
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full):
Tiny url for full recording: http://tinyurl.com/learninggamesnetwork
Recording (chat): http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR+20+live+dec+6+09
Recording (audio): http://www.humyo.com/F/3527937-2217822503
Newbie question of the week: What is the Learning Games Network?
Topic: Learning Games Network and Caduceus
Special Guests: Alex Chisholm and Wade Munday
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions:
Gl.am link for 12/05/09: http://gl.am/zZyD2
Alex and Wade share about the Learning Games Network, a series of events using games in the classroom as learning tools and Caduceus, a learning game built as part of Children's Hospital Boston's "Generation Cures" initiative.
CADUCEUS: Teaching Students About Scientific Inquiry Through Games
To demystify the complexities of pediatric medical research so kids can better understand the scientific process, researchers at Children's Hospital Boston have likened what they do in their labs and in the field to how players advance through digital games -- what's experienced and learned at one level, informs, empowers, and enables what players do in subsequent levels. Join us for a special presentation of Caduceus, the online puzzle adventure game that Children's Hospital has developed with the MIT Education Arcade, Learning Games Network, and FableVision to see how you can use this valuable tool and accompanying lesson plans and classroom activities to excite and engage students in Grades 4-8 around science and math. Caduceus and accompanying "In the Classroom" materials are free and available through Generation Cures, a kid-friendly, parent- and teacher-enabled community committed to helping Children's Hospital Boston doctors and researchers find cures for the most devastating childhood illnesses. Visit http://generationcures.org for more information.
http://www.learninggamesnetwork.org (Learning Games Network: non-profit organization established to spark innovation in the design and use of learning games)
http://www.generationcures.org/ (Generation Cures is an online community that's fun, engaging and highly educational. Kids learn the value of philanthropy and help raise money to fund research at Children's Hospital Boston.)
http://kids.generationcures.org/ (Start your adventure in Alterica in the mythical world of Caduceus)
http://www.generationcures.org/kid-vids (Series of videos produced by former Children's Hospital patients, as well as some child "philanthropists" who raised money for research. Viewers watch children who've been successfully treated for illnesses return to hospital and interview their doctors and medical researchers.)
http://www.generationcures.org/education (Site with information for ways educators can participate in Caduceus and Generation Cures)
https://generationcures.org/whats-caduceus (Description of Caduceus and the scientific and medical puzzles kids explore through the games as well as the challenges facing modern-day medical researchers)
http://www.learninggamesnetwork.org/content/about#chisholm (About Alex Chisholm)
http://www.learninggamesnetwork.org/content/contest (Video Contest Winners: a competition for students to demonstrate how video game play can result in serious learning.)
http://www.amd.com/us/press-releases/Pages/amd-and-learning-games-2009oct01.aspx (Press Release about Video Contest-The “A-HA Moment” category required contestants to create a video explaining how playing video games reinforced something they had first learned elsewhere; while the “My Dream Assignment” category asked them to describe a game that could be “required playing” for a class at school)
http://www.educationarcade.org/ (Explores games that promote learning through authentic and engaging play)
http://www.educationarcade.org/node/370 (two white papers to guide the development and dissemination of educational games (and other technologies): Moving Learning Games Forward and Using the Technology of Today in the Classroom Today. Part of TEA’s ongoing mission to establish games as important learning tools, crucial to the successful development of 21st century students of all ages.
http://arisgames.org/ (ARIS is a project to research the different ways that mobile learning may take place using mobile games that teach)
http://www.gameslearningsociety.org/ (Games, Learning and Society: academic researchers, interactive media (or game) developers, and government and industry leaders who investigate how this medium operates, how it can be used to transform how we learn, and what this means for society.)
http://www.mobilemedialearning.org/ (Mobile Media Learning is a community of developers, researchers, and educators collaborating and staying current on the ongoing developments of educational application of digital medias - specifically the use of mobile technologies.)
http://www.learncentral.org/node/36234 (Learning Game Series: Drawing Lesson Plans from Gaming, Case Study: Caduceus on LearnCentral-webinar focusing on the intersection of education and gaming-recording link available)
http://www.fablevision.com/education/ (Partner and game designer for Caduceus Learning Game)
http://www.learncentral.org/event/29146 (Computer Games as Educational Tools: Interview with Steve Hargadon on Future of Education and LearnCentral)
http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=learning+games&init=quick#/learninggamesnetwork (Learning Games Facebook Group Page)
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/23/education/23educ.html (NEW YORK TIMES: Educate to Innovate Coverage)
http://www.setgame.com/set/puzzle_frame.htm (Set Game Puzzles mentioned in session)
http://twitter.com/generationcures (Generation Cures Twitter account to follow development and progress)
http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11466 (Augmented Learning-Research and Design of Mobile Educational Games by Eric Klopfer: PDF for Table of Contents and sample chapters)
http://onlineultrasoundschool.com/2009/50-fun-iphone-apps-to-get-kids-reading-and-learning/ (Bonus Link requested during session: 50 Fun iPhone Apps to Get Kids Reading and Learning)
http://learninginhand.com/ipod/touch.html (Bonus Link requested during session: Tony Vincent's website for iPod Touch information and resources)
http://www.utechtips.com/50-educational-apps-for-the-ipod-touch/ (Bonus Link requested during session: Jeff Utecht: 50 Educational Apps for the iPod Touch)
http://www.parenting.com/gear-gallery/Gear/25-iPhone-Apps-for-Kids (Bonus Link requested during session: Parenting.com: 25 iPhone Apps for Kids)
http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2009/07/01/do-so-much-with-an-ipod-touch/ (Bonus Link requested during session: Wes Fryer: Fantastic resources and suggestions for iPod Touch)
http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/category/kids/ (Bonus Link requested during session: iPhone/iPod Touch Application List for Kids--all reviewed)