Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
We are excited to have Pernille Ripp joining us as our special guest today! Pernille is the creator of the fabulous "Global Read Aloud Project" and she will be sharing her experiences with the project since it was created in 2010 and will tell us how our classes and students can get involved in the project for 2014 and which books are being featured this year. If your classes have participated in previous projects we'd love to have you join us and share your stories and project links.
What is the Global Read Aloud?
The project was created in 2010 with a simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. Now with four years under our belt and more than 200,000 connections made, we realize we are on to something larger than us so we look forward to continuing the global connections.
The premise is simple; we pick a book to read aloud to our students during a set 6-week period and during that time we try to make as many global connections as possible. Each teacher decides how much time they would like to dedicate and how involved they would like to be. Some people choose to connect with just one class, while others go for as many as possible. The scope and depth of the project is up to you. In the past we have used Twitter, Skype, Edmodo, our wiki, email, regular mail, Kidblog, and any other tools we can think of to make these connections. Teachers get a community of other educators to do a global project with, hopefully inspiring them to continue these connections through the year.
Blackboard Collaborate (full recording): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2014-09-20.0907.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny URL for Full Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-GlobalReadAloud-9-20-14
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/September20_2014
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1442864
(Note: Click on tab for "Global ReadAloud-Pernille Ripp" in the LiveBinder)
http://www.globalreadaloud.com/ (Global Read Aloud blog)
http://globalreadaloud.wikispaces.com/ (Global Read Aloud wikispace)
http://www.globalreadaloud.com/2014/06/information-for-global-read-aloud-2014.html (Global Read Aloud information for 2014)
http://youtu.be/GJwBL1CzDus (Video: What is the Global Read Aloud?)
https://www.facebook.com/GlobalReadAloud (Global Read Aloud on Facebook)
http://pernillesripp.com/ (Pernille Ripp's blog)
http://kidblog.org/MrsRippsClass/ (Mrs. Ripp’s class blog)
http://about.me/Pernilleripp (Pernille Ripp: About Me)
http://www.pinterest.com/pernilleripp/global-read-aloud-official-board/ (Official Pinterest Board for Global Read Aloud)
http://shop.plpnetwork.com/passionate-learners/ (Pernille’s book: Passionate Learners: Giving Our Classrooms Back to Our Students)
http://www.corwin.com/books/Book244208 (Pernille’s newest book-Sept. 2014: Empowered Schools, Empowered Students: Creating Connected and Invested Learners. Part of the Corwin Connected Educators series)
http://www.amazon.com/Empowered-Schools-Students-Connected-Educators-ebook/dp/B00NF6F006/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin (Available for Kindle: Empowered Schools, Empowered Students)
http://www.futureofeducation.com/video/rscon5pernillerip (Author’s Interview with Pernille Ripp at RSCON5)
http://theinteractiveteacher.com/pernille-ripp/ (Podcast with Rob Smith/Interactive Teacher founder: Pernille Ripp Talks Global Read Aloud and Classroom Transformation)
http://juliedramsay.weebly.com/global-read-aloud.html (Julie Ramsay blog post: Global Read Aloud-One Book to Connect the World)
http://www.middleweb.com/8735/join-global-read-aloud/ (2013 MiddleWeb blog post by Permille Ripp telling her story about how she created the Global Read Aloud)
http://www2.readaloud.org/importance (Infographic: Why Reading Aloud Matters)
http://www.techlearning.com/Default.aspx?tabid=67&entryid=7752 (Pernille Ripp: Top 10 Reasons You Should Join the Global Read Aloud)
http://msabdelaal.wordpress.com/technology-showcase/ (Mrs. Abdel-Aal’s classroom blog: Technology Showcase describing their experience with the 2013 Global Read Aloud)
http://www.reading.org/reading-today/post/engage/2012/07/25/plugged-in-one-book-to-connect-the-world#.U_VBGrxaJx0 (Julie Ramsay blog post on Reading Today: Plugged In: One Book to Connect the World)
http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/local_schools/article_a2472065-a6fd-5aee-84ce-3a2af47f36de.html (West Middleton Reading Program Reaches Students Globally by A. Anderson)
https://www.edmodo.com/home#/group?id=5638789 (Global Read Aloud Information group on Edmodo-includes form for finding classes to connect with)
http://talkswithteachers.com/pernille-ripp/ (Talks with Teachers Podcast with Brian Sztabnik and Pernille Ripp)
http://readingbyexample.com/2012/11/28/the-global-read-aloud/ (Matt Renwick’s blog post about what he did with his 4th graders for Global Read Aloud)
http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/rah-contents.html (Jim Trelease: Read Aloud Handbook, 7th Edition, 2013)
http://www.ted.com/talks/mac_barnett_why_a_good_book_is_a_secret_door (Mac Barnett TEDxSonomaCounty, June 2014: Why a Good Book is a Secret Door)
http://mrspripp.blogspot.com/2010/12/glogster-challenge.html (Glogster Challenge - Pernille’s post explaining a Christmas Glogster challenge thought up by her student, Connor.)
http://pnaugle.blogspot.com/2010/12/glogster.html (Glogster - my post about my students entering a Glogster contest put forth by Pernille Ripp’s student, Connor.)
http://mrspripplessons.blogspot.com/2011/01/winner-of-connors-christmas-glogster.html (The Winner of Connor’s Christmas Glogster Challenge)
http://pnaugle.blogspot.com/2011/01/congratulations-to-helen.html (Congratulations to Helen)
Closing slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar details)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session have been added here and also to the Livebinder:
http://25.media.tumblr.com/300838025d29e9fad429bba264d87553/tumblr_mpslvrLTMB1qzr04eo1_500.jpg Link to the serendipity image: I'm sure we'd all love to use it again :-)
http://nsdedwards.blogspot.com/2014/09/dot-day-dotday.html (Sheri Edwards (@grammasheri): here's our Dot Day)
https://www.netgalley.com/ @plnaugle (Paula): It was great to get an advance copy this summer through NetGalley)
http://pnaugle.blogspot.com/2011/08/first-week-of-school.html @plnaugle (Paula):
Read about paper blogging here)
http://www.notesfrommcteach.com/2010/09/learning-to-blog-using-paper.html (@janwells: PaperBlogging with Karen McMillan-McTeach)
https://education.skype.com/ (@plnaugle (Paula) Check out Skype in the Classroom to find classes to connect with)
https://sites.google.com/site/mysterylocationcalls/ (@plnaugle (Paula): a great way to start using Skype is by doing Mystery Location Calls. Learn about how to do them here)
https://tackk.com/@GlobalReadAloud (Sheri Edwards (@grammasheri):
Tackk website for GlobalReadAloud sharing)
http://mrsp.com/ (Mrs. P: An award-winning FREE storybook destination. Classic children’s stories brought to life by TV star Kathy Kinney as Mrs. P. Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrsPstorytime )
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aorxx4VHW3DGdExIZ0RtODlNMkhiWW83NDRBMEdsZWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 (Kathy Cassidy: check out the classes on this list--Primary classrooms that Tweet)
http://connectededucators.org/ (Connected Educator Month is coming!! October 2014)
http://www.katemessner.com/authors-who-skype-with-classes-book-clubs-for-free/ (Kate Messner: Authors who Skype with Classes and Book Clubs-FREE)
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a featured teacher for an upcoming show! You can nominate yourself or someone else!)
Global Read Aloud Logo (download here for different sizes-menu on right-scroll down)http://www.globalreadaloud.com/2013/07/show-off-global-read-aloud.html