The calendar below lists our upcoming live shows for Classroom 2.0 LIVE. (Items are posted in Purple) We have also included automatic updates to other live web events which you may find of interest. Only the Saturday Classroom 2.0 LIVE shows offer PD certificates.
NOTE: For additional information about each web event click on the event link.
- Classroom 2.0 LIVE (in purple)
- EdTechTalk (in red)
-TechEducator Podcast (in blue)
(Time Zone Converter for Saturday Classroom 2.0 LIVE shows)
The events should appear for you in your own time zone. You can also click on the "Time Zone Converter" link above to see a fixed time chart for the Classroom 2.0 LIVE events and find your own city for the exact time where you are located. If you want to add this calendar to your own Google calendar, use the link on the lower right ("+ Google Calendar").