Date: Saturday November 18, 2017
Time: 9:00amPT/10:00amMT/
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
We are really looking forward to hearing from our special guest presenter, Brittany Miller, who is a Digital Learning Coach in Raleigh, North Carolina at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation. Brittany is passionate about supporting teachers with the use of digital learning in their classrooms. She believes that in order to inspire teachers to rethink their roles in the classroom, and to build their capacity for student-centered learning, we have to first shake up the way we are teaching them! She will be sharing some of the strategies she recommends in her work with teachers.
Webinar description:
One of the most popular Blended Learning Models is Station Rotation. In this session, we will be sharing how to intentionally plan and organize stations that engage students, minimize distractions, and enable the teacher to facilitate and meet individual student needs.
Brittany's philosophy is that if we want student-centered, personalized learning in our classrooms, we must first engage teachers in the types of experiences and environments that show them how. This mindset drives her work at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation which is the research arm of the College of Education at NC State University. She has spent the past 6 years learning with and engaging educators in schools and districts across North Carolina who are integrating digital learning into their schools and classrooms. Prior to joining the team at FI, Brittany taught 9th, 11th and 12th grade English and a Young Adult Literature elective in a digitally-enabled classroom at a high school in Wake County, North Carolina.
https://twitter.com/amoderneducator (Follow Brittany Miller on Twitter)
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording:
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/November18_2017
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=2289666
(Note: Click on tab for "Brittany Miller-Learning Stations" in the Livebinder).
https://twitter.com/amoderneducator (Follow Brittany Miller on Twitter)
http://moderneducatormiller.weebly.com/ (Brittany’s website: Digital Learning Coach)
https://ncdli.fi.ncsu.edu/rubric/ (North Carolina Digital Learning Progress rubrics)
https://ncdli.fi.ncsu.edu/rubric/docs/school.pdf (NC Digital Learning Progress rubric for Schools)
http://www.fi.ncsu.edu/ (NCSU Friday Institute)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/ncdlcn/ (North Carolina Digital Leaders Coaching Network)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/ncdlcn/about/ (About the North Carolina Digital Leaders Coaching Network)
http://www.fi.ncsu.edu/news/new-coaching-cadre-for-nc-digital-leaders-announced/ (New Coaching Cadre for NC Digital Leaders Announced)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/who-we-are/ (About the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/what-we-do/ (Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative: What We Do)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/lbl/ (Leadership in Blended Learning: Leadership in Blended Learning program, a capacity-building program designed to meet the professional learning needs of principals as they transition to digital and blended learning)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/lbl/program-components/ (Program Components for Leadership in Blended Learning)
http://www.fi.ncsu.edu/project/massive-open-online-courses-for-educators-mooc-ed/ (MOOC-Ed: Massive Online Open Courses for Educators, or MOOC-Eds, are professional development experiences that will engage you in new technology-enabled learning opportunities)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/blog/ (PL2C Blog)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/leading-schools/ (Leading Schools Summit 2017)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/2017/11/09/pedagogy-in-practice-giving-space-for-reflective-practice/ (Greg Garner: Pedagogy in Practice: Giving Space for Reflective Practice)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/2017/09/12/equipping-students-with-the-4cs-through-micro-credentials/ (Lauren Acree-Friday Institute: Equipping Students with the 4Cs through Micro-Credentials)
http://simplysynergy.blogspot.com/2016/11/super-7-and-ncdlcn.html (Donna Wells: 8 Take-aways from the Super 7 and NCDLCN)
http://app.wizer.me/ (Wizer)
https://www.mentimeter.com/ (Mentimeter)
https://padlet.com/ (Padlet)
https://goformative.com/ (Formative)
http://bit.ly/2y4ttm4 (Video: Instructions for Collaborative Learning Stations)
How to play the "Yes, And?" improv game. Learn how to practice improv with games, warm ups, and exercises in this free acting video.
http://app.wizer.me/learn/81T1SG (Wizer.me Collaborative reflection example for “Yes, And?”)
http://catlintucker.com/2017/11/optional-skill-stations/ (Catlin Tucker: Station Rotation Model: Offering Optional Skill Stations)
https://www.edutopia.org/article/creating-meaningful-learning-stations-cassandra-sachar (Edutopia: 6 Tips for Supercharging your Learning Stations)
https://www.edutopia.org/blog/learning-centers-in-secondary-classroom-ted-malefyt (Edutopia: Learning Centers in the Secondary Classroom)
http://www.teachhub.com/differentiated-instruction-strategies-using-learning-stations (Differentiated Instruction Strategies using Learning Stations)
https://www.pinterest.com/explore/learning-stations/?lp=true (Pinterest: Tons of learning station ideas for all grade levels)
https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-set-up-classroom-learning-centers-2081841 (How to Set Up Classroom Learning Centers)
https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/new-approach-learning-centers/ (Scholastic: A new approach for designing internet-based learning centers that can be integrated with your existing centers)
https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/ssf-cci/sscc-intro-blended-learning/sscc-blended-learning-models/v/sscc-blended-station (Khan Academy video: Station Rotation Model)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKghZNGL3eM (YouTube: Khan Academy: Station Rotation Model)
https://www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/001-Pages/learning-station-classroom-organizers.htm (Classroom Learning Stations. Includes examples of stations for an 8th gr. Class learning about the Industrial Revolution period in the United States)
https://learninginhand.com/centers/ (Tony Vincent: Spruce up your Centers or Stations with Technology)
http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2017/08/14/the-best-resources-for-planning-learning-stations-please-add-more/ (Larry Ferlazzo: The Best Resources for Planning Learning Stations)
http://doccopteaching.com/2017/05/16/all-you-need-to-know-about-digital-learning-stations/ (Dr. Copper: All You Need to Know about Digital Learning Stations)
https://twitter.com/AbbeyFutrell (Follow Abbey Futrell on Twitter)
https://twitter.com/nmangum (Follow Nancy Mangum on Twitter)
https://www.abbeyfutrell.com/blog (Abbey Futrell’s blog: The Pinky Geek)
http://pllc.fi.ncsu.edu/2017/09/07/managing-a-complex-change-in-todays-schools-requires-a-learners-mindset/ (Managing a Complex Change in Today’s Schools Requires a Learner’s Mindset by Nancy Mangum and Darren Hudgins)
http://futureready.org/ (Future Ready Schools)
http://futureready.org/about-the-effort/rural/ (Future Ready Schools: A Guidebook for Success: Strategies for Implementing Personalized Learning in Rural Schools)
https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/pledge/ (Superintendents’ Pledge for Future Ready Schools)
https://dashboard.futurereadyschools.org/framework (Future Ready Framework)
Closing Slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://bit.ly/cr20liveitunesu (This link will open iTunes so you can subscribe to our video podcasts.)
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
http://www.controlaltachieve.com/2017/10/24-form-tips.html (Eric Curts: Google Forms for Online Assessments webinar recording and resources-24 tips)
http://lodgemccammon.com/ (Dr. Lodge McCammon’s website)
https://hyperdocs.co/ (HyperDocs website-HyperDocs, a transformative, interactive Google Doc replacing the worksheet method of delivering instruction, is the ultimate change agent in the blended learning classroom)
https://classroomscreen.com/ (Classroom Screen-interactive whiteboard)
https://www.kaganonline.com/catalog/ETT/ (Kagan TimerTools software-Projectable Timers for Teachers and Trainers)
https://app.wizer.me/preview/TVQA7R (Anthi Harou shared her example of wizer.me for Princess Smartypants)
http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_files/03_ThinkingRoutines/03a_ThinkingRoutines.html (Visible Thinking Routines)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sdeWaqgsNCbMTnA4z863HGKjGP-wxNjL1c_EUWAoK7k/edit#slide=id.g24ddabbe85_0_55 (Written Conversations: How to Respond to Text) http://bit.ly/2hzRhnn
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MythBusters (Mythbusters: Explained on Wikipedia)
http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources/digital-assessment-tools (Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinar recording & Livebinder with Madison District teachers on digital assessment tools-Plickers, Socrative, AnswerGarden, Kahoot, and Google Forms)
http://www.alicekeeler.com/2017/01/26/chrome-extension-anyonecanview/ (Alice Keeler: Anyone Can View Chrome extension)
http://www.timer-tab.com/ (Timer-Tab online stopwatch and countdown)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eBmyttcfU4 (@bcdtech Maureen: Video-
"No such thing as average")
https://awwapp.com/ (Brittany Miller: Awwapp is a great. A Web Whiteboard that is touch-friendly online whiteboard app that lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to easily draw sketches, collaborate with others and share. Can upload PDF & PPTs to board to interact with.)
https://sketch.io/ (Brittany Miller: Sketch.io a variety of annotation, editing & design tools)
https://sketch.io/sketchpad/guide/ (Sketchpad Guide)
http://bit.ly/2mFVdIE (@plnaugle (Paula)- The 10 Best Online Whiteboards with Realtime Collaboration)
https://info.flipgrid.com/ (Flipgrid-video discussion platform for pre-K to adult learners)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYmYDLb2oJqGQOvjZHPhO4ulIuiUvNYNS (Catlin Tucker: Blended Learning video resources)