Saturday, June 12, 2010
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full):
Tiny url for full recording: http://tinyurl.com/avivadunsiger-GrOne
Recording (chat): http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+JUNE122010
Recording (audio): Not available.
Recording (video): http://vimeo.com/12540013
Topic: Technology Integration in Grade One Classroom
Special Guest: Aviva Dunsiger
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions:
http://grade1ad.litcircuits.com (Aviva's Professional Blog)
http://kidblog.org/missdunsigersclass (Class Kidblog for Aviva Dunsiger)
http://animoto.com/play/VDAB1kdjGbQNXk7pdMav8w (100th Day Animoto video showing students using a variety of technology and even tweeting on the SMART Board)http://grade1.litcircuits.com (Group Blog -- See student work)
http://dunsiger.posterous.com (Grade 1 Posterous Blog -- See student work)
http://twitlonger.com (Twitlonger)
http://twitter.com/grade1 (Grade 1 Twitter Account)
http://avivadunsiger.blogspot.com (Grade 1 Blog -- See student work)http://fcinternet.hwdsb.on.ca/~aviva.dunsiger (Grade 1 Website)
http://www.youtube.com/user/kathycassidy (Kathy Cassidy: Class YouTube Channel)
http://docs.google.com (Google Docs)
http://www.twiducate.com/ (Twiducate -- used recently with Grade 1's)
http://kidblog.org (Kidblog: Free site for designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog without an email address)
http://www.wordle.net (Wordle)
http://www.wallwisher.com/ (Wallwisher)
http://crocodoc.com/ (Crocodoc)
http://www.evernote.com/ (Evernote)
http://todaysmeet.com (Today's Meet)
http://ed.voicethread.com (VoiceThread for K-12 educators)
http://edu.glogster.com (Glogster -- used recently with Grade 1's)
http://www.diigo.com/ (Diigo)
http://storybird.com/ (Storybird)
http://posterous.com (Posterous)
Primary Blogs to explore and follow:
http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=1337 (Kathy Cassidy: Grade One, Moose Jaw, Canada)
http://www.2mgems.blogspot.com/ (2M Gems: Amanda Marrinan, Early Years Teacher, Australia)
http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=51141 (The KinderKids' Blog: Maria Knee, South Deerfield, New Hampshire)
http://room4-brightwater.blogspot.com/ (Mrs. Brightwater's Year 1/2, Room 4, Nelson New Zealand)
http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=214460 (Amanda Sheppard's ShepLoopers K-1 Loop)
http://supportblogging.com/Links+to+School+Bloggers (Links to educational bloggers including classroom and teacher professional blogs)
http://mrsmuench.com/ (Music with Mrs. Muench: K-3 Music classes post items and challenge each other online)
http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources.html (Classroom 2.0 LIVE Archives and Resources for all recordings and links)
http://groups.diigo.com/group/classroom-20-live (Classroom 2.0 LIVE Diigo Group-please join and share)