Date:Saturday August 27, 2016
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
With the start of a new school year across the U.S. as well as other places around the world, teachers are excitedly preparing to welcome their new students and are eagerly creating their classrooms and learning environments to make them inviting, inspiring places for students to learn and grow this year. You won't want to miss this week's webinar with our special guest presenters, Dr. Robert Dillon and Rebecca Hare, who have some really important, valuable ideas and resources to share to get us moving towards this goal.
If you teach, you are a learning space designer. This webinar will explore the influence of the physical, and digital, space on our learners and provide practical tips on how to design your space with intention. Rebecca Hare is an Industrial Designer and Educator who has co-designed more than 20 spaces with teachers and students. Dr. Robert Dillon is an educational leader and current Director of Innovative Learning at the School District of University City, St. Louis, Missouri who collaborates with schools across the country to change spaces, technology, and pedagogy to enhance learning.
What are the first steps to transform your learning spaces? What should you look for and where should you spend money, and where should you save it. Which types of environments are worth creating? Who should be engaged in the process? And finally, how can you create and cultivate a community that will create and continue to improve upon the spaces our learners need?
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording: http://tinyurl.com/LearningSpaceDesign-8-27-16
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/August27_2016
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link:
(Note: Click on tab for "The Space-Robert Dillon & Rebecca Hare" in the Livebinder).
https://www.amazon.com/Space-Educators-Rebecca-Louise-Hare-ebook/dp/B01HFQCVRG/ref=pd_sim_351_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=WN6V2SCXSS88VJ9J3NJZ (Kindle version on Amazon)
http://www.drrobertdillon.com/aprincipalspeaking/ (Robert Dillon’s blog)
http://www.drrobertdillon.com/ (Robert Dillon’s website)
http://rlh-designed.weebly.com/ (Rebecca Hare’s website)
https://twitter.com/SpacetheBook (Space the Book on Twitter)
https://twitter.com/edtechteam (EdTech Team on Twitter)
http://www.grandviewprep.net/ (Rebecca Hare’s school website)
http://www.edutopia.org/discussion/student-voice-your-learning-space-heres-how-and-why (Rebecca Hare: Edutopia Blog about students as co-designers)
http://www.slideshare.net/rebeccahare965/students-as-co-designers-designing-with-not-for-1 (Rebecca Hare: Slideshare-Students as Co-Designers Designing with, Not For)
https://vimeo.com/179007775 (Vimeo: Rebecca Hare book intro)
https://vimeo.com/179231645 (Rebecca Hare: short Vimeo clip for book)
http://blog.edtechteam.com/2015/05/inspiring-learning-spaces-and-welcome.html (David Jakes: Inspiring Learning Spaces and Welcome to EdTechTeam)
https://www.edtechteam.com/spaces/ (EdTechTeam: Learning Space Design Studio_
http://www.drrobertdillon.com/aprincipalspeaking/2016/7/21/leading-learning-space-changes (Robert Dillon: Leading Learning Space Changes)
http://www.drrobertdillon.com/aprincipalspeaking/2016/7/11/schools-should-be-spaces-for-healing (Robert Dillon: Schools Should be Spaces for Healing)
http://spacefordeeperlearning.tumblr.com/page/7 (Rebecca Hare: Evolution of a Space for Deeper Learning)
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/film-festival-learning-spaces-classroom-makeovers (5 Minute Film Festival: Classroom Makeovers to Engage Learners)
http://classroomcribs.com/ (Classroom Cribs: resources for brain friendly learning spaces: Erin Klein, Ben Gilpin, A.J. Juliani, Thomas Murray)
https://www.amazon.com/Redesigning-Learning-Spaces-Connected-Educators-ebook/dp/B01FC39K6Y/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me= (Redesigning Learning Spaces: Robert Dillon, Ben Gilpin, A.J. Juliani, Erin Klein)
http://learningspacetoolkit.org/ (Learning Space ToolKit)
http://www.coolcatteacher.com/3-ways-classroom-design-impacts-student-learning/ (Vicki Davis with Peter Barrett: 3 Ways Classroom Design Impacts Student Learning)
http://www.weareteachers.com/blogs/post/2015/09/18/16-ways-to-involve-kids-in-creating-their-own-learning-spaces (Stacy Tornio: 16 Ways to Involve Kids in Creating Their Own Learning Spaces)
http://www.edutopia.org/practice/flexible-classrooms-providing-learning-environment-kids-need (Edutopia: Flexible Classrooms: Providing the Learning Environment that Kids Need)
https://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/edulibrary/public/govrel/ber/2011/berflexiblespace.pdf (Making the Most of Flexible Learning Spaces: A Guide for Principals and Teachers-Published by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne)
http://www.d11.org/NextGen/Pages/Environments.aspx (Creating Flexible Learning Environments-Research and resources from Colorado Springs School District II)
https://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/2012/11/30/learning-spaces-as-student-centric-personal-narratives/ (Jackie Gerstein: Learning Spaces as Student-Centric Personal Narratives)
Closing Slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts?language=en (Susan Cain’s TED Talk "The Power of Introverts")
https://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking/dp/0307352153/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0 (Susan Cain's book: Quiet)
https://flic.kr/p/oqF66K (@plnaugle (Paula): Here are some pictures of my classroom)
http://www.autodesk.com/education/home (AutoDesk Education Community)