Date: Saturday December 16, 2017
Time: 9:00amPT/10:00amMT/
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
If you haven't caught "Flipgrid Fever" yet, I can guarantee you will have it after you see this inspiring presentation by our special guests, Karly Moura and Sean Fahey! They are passionate, inspired educators who integrate technology throughout their classrooms and lives, and they are particularly enthusiastic about Flipgrid as Flipgrid Ambassadors! Flipgrid is a fantastic K-12 resource that is designed to promote open discussion among all students within your classroom. Teachers post topics, videos, or links for discussions and students respond to the prompt and to each other with short video reflections. Flipgrid is meant to provide a digital space for students to share and reflect on ideas with their teacher and with their peers. It is a video response platform where educators can have online video discussions with students or other educators. Teachers can provide feedback to students AND better yet students can provide feedback to one another. Join us to catch the Flipgrid Fever!
Webinar description: "Flipping out with Flipgrid"
Both teachers and students are flipping out over using Flipgrid. But why? ***Hint, hint ....Cause it's AWESOME!***
Learn more about what Flipgrid is, how to use it, and ways to you can implement this incredibly versatile and awesome tool in your classroom to help give students voice and choice in their learning.
Karly Moura is an instructional coach and educational technology support teacher at Sun Terrace Elementary School in the Mount Diablo Unified School District in Concord, CA. She supports all staff with the implementation of the Common Core standards as well as with integrating technology in a 2:1 (2 students to 1 device) chromebook/ipad environment. Karly also supports all classes as they rotate through the Sun Terrace STEM lab, working with TK through 5th grade students on coding, robotics, design challenges, greenscreen projects, makerspace activities and more. You can follow and connect with Karly on Twitter at @KarlyMoura.
Sean Fahey is currently in his 6th year as a classroom teacher. After receiving his degree in Elementary Education, Sean Fahey began his teaching in a 4th grade classroom. After a few years of changing schools, Sean is a 6th grade math teacher at Throop Elementary School in his hometown of Paoli, IN. Sean is a proponent of replacing the traditional lecture, worksheet, and textbook method of delivering instruction and strives to bring unique learning experiences to his students. He believes that with the continued advancements in technology, the role of a teacher is changing and that student learning experiences can be greatly enhanced with the use of technology in the classroom. Outside of school, Sean is happily married and loves spending time with his wife Amanda and two children. You can follow and connect with Sean on Twitter at @SEANJFAHEY.
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording: https://tinyurl.com/Flipgrid-12-16-17
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/December16_2017
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=2301110
(Note: Click on tab for "Flipgrid-Karly Moura and Sean Fahey" in the Livebinder).
https://info.flipgrid.com/ (Flipgrid website)
http://blog.flipgrid.com/ (Flipgrid blog)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/FlipgridFever (#FlipgridFever hashtag)
https://twitter.com/KarlyMoura (Follow Karly Moura on Twitter)
https://twitter.com/SEANJFAHEY (Follow Sean Fahey on Twitter)
https://faheystech.blogspot.com/ (Sean Fahey’s blog)
http://karlymoura.blogspot.com/ (Karly Moura’s blog)
https://flipgrid.com/ambassadors (Flipgrid Ambassadors)
http://karlymoura.blogspot.com/2017/08/meet-all-new-flipgrid-10-must-try-ideas.html (Karly Moura: Meet the All New Flipgrid: 10 Must Try Ideas)
https://faheystech.blogspot.com/2017/06/FlipgridHyperDocs.html (Flipgrid and Hyperdocs: Amplifying Student Voice in Purposeful Digital Lesson Design)
https://www.mrowl.com/user/pgeorge/flipgridlove (Peggy George: Flipgrid Love resources curated on Mr. Owl. A compilation of resources created and shared by teachers for examples and tutorials with Flipgrid. Free registration required to access everything on Mr. Owl)
https://flipgrid.com/christmasforjacob (Flipgrid: Christmas Cheer for Jacob. Positive thoughts and Christmas cheer to Jacob who is fighting cancer, and we want to encourage him and give him the best Christmas wishes ever!!!)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WrGQfTA6_F59K8lbNMTHH6VolghEdIcHV40ltt5RPU0/edit#slide=id.g32620fbebc74f79e_12 (Flipgrid Explorer Series: Code HyperDoc. This HyperDoc was created to accompany the Flipgrid Explorer Series: Code. Links to topics for student responses are included on the slides along with question prompts. All activities can be completed within the HyperDoc)
https://flipgrid.com/e3ddce (Flipgrid example: This week, in Dr. Neigh's Laboratory, we're discussing the various components of the brain; which part of the brain do you think is most important and why?)
https://flipgrid.com/803ac5 (Flipgrid example: What's it like to live in a desert?
2nd graders in PA are learning about life in the desert and invited others who live in or near a desert to share where they live and describe what it's like!)
https://flipgrid.com/barrow (Flipgrid example: Global Connections created by Andy Plemmons-5 topics. This grid provides opportunities for our students to connect with other students around the globe on topics that matter.)
https://flipgrid.com/34beb2 (9/11 Impact Essay revisions and reflective statements)
https://youtu.be/xkbQDEXJy2k (Abbott and Costello math video: 7 x 13 = 28)
https://flipgrid.com/heroicparents (Heroic Parents Flipgrid for parent math)
https://flipgrid.com/eb1cb3 (Flipgrid of students explaining their science fair projects)
https://flipgrid.com/7e2cd7 (Sean Fahey: Famous Hoosiers wax museum descriptions on Flipgrid)
https://flipgrid.com/Sp212 (Foreign language Flipgrid example - Spanish)
https://flipgrid.com/shhsdigcit (SHHS Digital Citizenship Flipgrid)
https://www.smore.com/vyn8j (Lee Araoz-Smore: A Cornucopia of Flipgrid Resources)
http://www.edtechroundup.org/reviews/flipgrid-use-student-videos-to-promote-discussion-and-engagement (EdTechRoundup: Flipgrid: Use Student Videos to Promote Discussion and Engagement)
https://ditchthattextbook.com/2017/06/02/catch-the-flipgrid-fever-15-ways-to-use-flipgrid-in-your-class/ (Karly Moura: Catch the Flipgrid Fever: 15 Ways to Use Flipgrid in your Class)
https://braveintheattempt.com/2017/08/18/20-ways-to-catch-flipgridfever/ (Sean Arnold: 20 Ways to Catch Flipgrid Fever)
https://vimeo.com/213923950 (Vimeo: Flipgrid Unplugged #2: App smashing with Jornea Erwin)
http://www.hollyclark.org/2017/07/30/15-ways-to-use-flipgrid-for-social-studies/ (Holly Clark: 15 Ways to use Flipgrid for Social Studies)
https://www.smore.com/6sykm-flipgrid (EdTechMason Smore: Flipgrid-Use Video the Way your Students Use Video)
http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=2277693 (Livebinder by rrobinsoncdsd: Flipgrid tutorial resources for getting started)
http://blog.flipgrid.com/news/winterbreak (Jornea Erwin: #Gridtip: Winter Break Flipgrid Fun)
http://blog.flipgrid.com/news/gridtip3 (Jornea Erwin: #GridTip: Genius Hours)
https://techiemusings.com/2017/07/21/moving-beyond-numbers-symbols-shifting-the-math-mindset-using-flipgrid-visualmath-letsvedchat-vedchat/ (Stacey Roshan: Shifting Math Mindset with Flipgrid)
https://flipgrid.com/09bd69 (Flipgrid: Teachers sharing why they use Flipgrid in their math classroom)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzZGEfOtEWqPZmlpc3RiLXFmZWs (Flipgrid ebook created by Sean Fahey and Karly Moura)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17cAB1hssfp_eLuhfZB0FsJZPR8rFBnHDd_4UOn0AsVk/edit (Flipgrid emoji feedback guide)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_jCypXiFNJWRW9IclVwYzd5Mjg/view Flipgrid Recording Booth Instructions for Students by Claudio Zavala
bit.ly/FlipgridUnplugged4 (Flipgrid Webinar Unplugged 4, by Sean Fahey & Karly Moura)
https://vimeo.com/235225066 (Vimeo: Flipgrid Unplugged #4: What Now?)
https://youtu.be/p1f992gNBEc (Richard Byrne: YouTube tutorial-How to Get Started with Flipgrid)
https://flipgrid.com/ditchsummit (Ditch That Textbook Digital Summit Flipgrid, December 2017)
Closing Slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://bit.ly/cr20liveitunesu (This link will open iTunes so you can subscribe to our video podcasts.)
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
https://flipgrid.com/lshslote (Flipgrid examples for language teachers)
https://flipgrid.com/whatif (@AdamShortShorts (Adam Parker Goldberg): Check out flipgrid.com/whatif -Global Classroom and flipgrid.com/imagine for examples of using Flipgrid with penpals)
https://flipgrid.com/imagine (Example: Imagine Flipgrid)
http://flipgrid.com/webinars (Michael D: I love this Flipgrid for all kind of integration ideas)
http://flipgrid.com/stemhub (Michael D: Not fully design thinking but we have a global STEM hub. Did it last year with Blogger only. This year, added Flipgrid and it's a hit.)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR35wn9J0fY8nZ3o0vpl7Y6MPNfnPZsswH9Yjb5GTYhlKX1n2bCYfFGyGQ66_2I_a3M-riPRdZ7igsB/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g1906ddd0b9_0_4 (Michael D: Here is the STEM Hub Slide)
https://vimeo.com/229139609 (Vimeo: Kevin Soran-Quick Walk-Through of Flipgrid- A 2-minute video that will take you through the steps of creating your first Grid and Topic)
https://youtu.be/D9x1fYw03eA (Teacher’s Tech: New Flipgrid Tutorial-Spark Conversation for getting started with Flipgrid)
https://room10cent.wordpress.com/flipgrid/ (John Schwartz: Flipgrid resources and awesome infographics)
http://showwithmedia.com/quick-edit-video/ (Wes Fryer: Quick Edit Video resources-will be adding Flipgrid!)
http://flipgrid.com/slp2016 (Michael D: Really like what this school did to build culture and community. They embedded it on their website main page. Back to School 2016)
http://blog.flipgrid.com/news/discovery (Explore, share and amplify with discovery library)
https://resources.flipgrid.com/changelog/ (Recent changes and updates in Flipgrid including Discovery Library updates, private video feedback, world language captioning for 110 languages/dialects and more!)