11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
The official "Hour of Code" week is over but there are tons of resources and activities available for continuing coding/programming experiences throughout the year! We are very excited to have Vicky Sedgwick joining us as our special guest presenter for this session. Vicky has been a leader in integrating coding activities in her school and as a frequent presenter on this topic. She will share her stories, resources and experiences for extending these programming opportunities with your students.
Vicky Sedgwick currently works at St. Martin's Episcopal School in Winnetka, CA as a K-8 technology teacher. As a former software designer and computer programmer, Vicky is very excited about the current STEAM movement in education especially when it comes to introducing K-8 students to the world of computer science and coding. She loves to share about computer science and coding not only with her students. but also with other teachers as co-moderator of the #csk8 Twitter chat and as a presenter at conferences and other events. Vicky is especially looking forward to having her students work more with Sphero, mBot, Dash & Dot, and Parrot mini-drones this year. Connect with Vicky on Twitter at @visionsbyvicky.
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording:
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/December19_2015
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1887510
(Note: Click on tab for "Vicky Sedgwick-Hour of Code Extension Activities" in the Livebinder)
http://vsedgwick.edublogs.org/ (Vicky Sedgwick’s blog)
https://about.me/vicky.sedgwick (Vicky Sedgwick: About Me)
https://twitter.com/visionsbyvicky (Follow Vicky on Twitter)
http://stmcomputers.edublogs.org/ (Vicky’s Computer Lab blog)
http://stmcomputers.wikispaces.com/ (Vicky’s Computer Lab wiki)
http://stmartinsschool.org/ (St. Martin’s School: Private Christian Education for Preschool through 8th Grade in the San Fernando Valley)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YrxRYoEjBHMgrT_U0LlOe5bcnKnfqRuV6ULaDpwzZRk/edit#slide=id.gcff4daf89_1_86 (Vicky Sedgwick: Fall CUE 2015: Sphero Speedway)
https://hourofcode.com/us (Hour of Code website: Dec. 7-13, 2015. Anybody can host an Hour of Code anytime, but the grassroots campaign goal is for tens of millions of students to try an Hour of Code during December 7-13, in celebration of Computer Science Education Week.)
http://vsedgwick.edublogs.org/2014/11/23/planning-for-the-hour-of-code/ (Planning for the Hour of Code)
https://youtu.be/7L97YMYqLHc (YouTube video: The Hour of Code 2015-Worldwide)
http://vsedgwick.edublogs.org/2015/05/17/scratch-ipad/ (How Can I “Scratch” on an iPad?)
https://sites.google.com/site/visionsbyvicky/handouts (Vicky’s presentation handouts)
http://stmcomputers.edublogs.org/2015/02/15/1st-grade-scratch/ (Vicky Sedgwick: Scratch in First Grade)
http://stmcomputers.edublogs.org/2014/12/02/the-hour-of-code-is-coming/ (Vicky Sedgwick: The Hour of Code is Coming)
http://stmcomputers.edublogs.org/2014/12/08/the-hour-of-code-is-here-day-1/ (Vicky Sedgwick: The Hour of Code is Here: Day 1)
http://stmcomputers.edublogs.org/2014/12/09/the-hour-of-code-is-here-day-2/ (Vicky Sedgwick: The Hour of Code is Here: Day 2)
https://www.diigo.com/user/vsedgwick (Vicky’s Diigo bookmarks)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Xv9tH5cOwl7aXi9URo0ZZyosIbXoqO6g4dd1leHWIsU/edit#gid=0 (Hour of Code Resources)
http://codingresources.blogspot.com/ (Coding Resources)
http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/jchshourofcodemarathon (Nikki Robertson: Symbaloo Hour of Code Marathon)
http://fichterforunderstanding.blogspot.com/2015/10/scratchjr-what-can-it-offer-older.html (ScratchJr: What Can it Offer Older Students)
http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources/stretch-and-scratch-heidi-williams (Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinar recording and Livebinder for Heidi Williams, Stretch Instructor. March 2013. Excellent resources and links for Scratch projects)
- https://www.kodable.com/
- Kodable Resources - Common Core Alignment, Learning Guide, & More https://www.kodable.com/resources
- http://thefoos.com/
- Hour of Code & Full Curriculum http://admin.thefoos.com/hour-of-code/
- Code Studio & Hour of Code Activities - https://studio.code.org/
- K-5 Professional Development Workshops - https://code.org/professional-development-workshops
- Online K-5 PD Course https://studio.code.org/s/K5PD
Middle School CS in Science https://code.org/curriculum/science
- StarLogo Nova http://www.slnova.org/
- StarLogo Nova http://www.slnova.org/
Middle School CS in Algebra https://code.org/curriculum/algebra
- Bootstrap http://www.bootstrapworld.org/
- Bootstrap http://www.bootstrapworld.org/
- High School Computer Science Principles https://code.org/educate/csp
- Computer Science Principles: Concept Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzdnOPI1iJNfV5ljCxR8BZWJRT_m_6CpB
- http://www.scratchjr.org/
- Curricula http://www.scratchjr.org/teach.html#curricula
- Teaching Reading Through Programming Site Words http://www.teachercast.net/programming-with-scratch-jr/
- Modeling Photosynthesis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ze09jTEt-A
- Hopscotch Lesson Ideas https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/hopscotch-lesson-ideas/id939801491#
- Hopscotch Curriculum http://hopscotch-curriculum-files.s3.amazonaws.com/Hopscotch%20Curriculum%202015.pdf
- Hopscotch Challenges e-Book (based on older version of Hopscotch but ideas still applicable) http://playingwithmedia.com/product/hopscotch/
- Hopscotch YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-6Hx9uqY8pOiZR1M5OK09A
- Hopscotch Language Arts Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp5-QrjIMA8
- Hopscotch Row of Houses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngVR9nlC5gY
- https://scratch.mit.edu/
- Scratch Video Tutorials https://scratch.mit.edu/help/videos/
- Scratch Cards https://scratch.mit.edu/info/cards/
St. Martin’s Computer Lab Scratch Projects - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/StMComputers/
- 1st Grade All About Me Example https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47621056/
- 4th Grade California Mission Example https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/20639970/
- 1st Grade All About Me Example https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/47621056/
- Vicky’s Scratch Projects - https://scratch.mit.edu/users/visionsbyvicky/
- If I Could Only Use One - http://vsedgwick.edublogs.org/2014/06/19/if-i-could-only-use-one/
- Scratch Creative Computing Guide - http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/guide/
- ScratchEd - http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/
- Harvey Mudd College My CS (for MS - early HS) https://www.cs.hmc.edu/MyCS/
- Harvey MuddX Programming in Scratch https://www.edx.org/course/programming-scratch-harveymuddx-cs002x-0
- CS4HS at the University of Northern Iowa http://www.cs.uni.edu/~schafer/outreach/cs4hs/2015/doku.php?id=start
Pocket Code: http://www.catrobat.org/
- Step-by-step tutorial for 1st project http://www.catrobat.org/intro/stepbystep.html
- "Learning programming with Pocket Code, a Scratch-like Android app" by Wolfgang Slany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ytY_vfsnNU
- Step-by-step tutorial for 1st project http://www.catrobat.org/intro/stepbystep.html
- Pyonkee http://www.softumeya.com/pyonkee/en/
- Tynker: https://www.tynker.com/school/
- Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming
- Trinket: https://trinket.io/
- Pencil Code: https://pencilcode.net/
MIT App Inventor: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/
TouchDevelop https://www.touchdevelop.com/
- Teach using TouchDevelop https://www.touchdevelop.com/docs/teach
- Export to Windows, iOS, Android app https://www.touchdevelop.com/docs/export-to-app
- Teach using TouchDevelop https://www.touchdevelop.com/docs/teach
- Codea http://twolivesleft.com/Codea/
- Bee-Bot & Blue-Bot https://www.bee-bot.us/ (US) or https://www.terrapinlogo.com/
Dash & Dot
Sphero http://www.sphero.com/education
- Sphero Lightning Lab https://sprk.sphero.com/dashboard
- Inclined Planes in 2nd Grade http://www.teachercast.net/programming-ro2nd-grade-stem/
- Sphero Lightning Lab https://sprk.sphero.com/dashboard
- Tickle App (good for coding Sphero, BB8, & Dash & Dot) https://tickleapp.com/en-us/
- K-8 CS Resources for Chromebooks, Laptops, Desktops https://goo.gl/832BQG
- Coding on iPads https://goo.gl/GpX6K3
- Coding: Unplugged Activities to Introduce Computer Science Concepts https://goo.gl/CXKNpN
- Coding: What Standards Does it Cover (US-centric) https://goo.gl/Y5VR65
- Article on Kids and Coding: https://medium.com/bright/a-different-approach-to-coding-d679b06d83a#.vrhvd85la
Closing Slides:
http://studenttechnologyconference.com/ (2016 Student Technology Conference: The second annual Student Technology Conference, a free one-day online event bringing together students, educators and innovators from around the world, will be held Saturday, January 30, 2016 from 9 Am to 9 Pm EST. We invite all to attend!)
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
https://youtu.be/4gTLSd62pAI (Dejan Kreculj: Pametan kao pčelica)
http://loriesonlinetutoring.weebly.com/students-scratch-projects.html (Lorie Moffat:
Student Scratch projects)
http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/scratch/ (@bcdtech Maureen:
Cartoon network collaboration with Scratch)
http://hes.symbaloo.com/mix/codingprogramming1 (@bcdtech Maureen: I have a symbaloo for coding)
http://kinderlabrobotics.com/kibo/ (@bcdtech Maureen: Did an intro of Kibo with Kdg. this past week. They loved it!)
http://www.thefoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Foo_Solutions_HOC_2015.pdf (TheFoos Solutions) (Not added to Livebinder so it won't spoil your problem solving but a great help if you get stuck)
http://www.teachercast.net/my-paperless-classroom-sam-patterson/ (Patti Ruffing:
Sam Patterson's blog)
http://bit.ly/1mdYFoh (@plnaugle(Paula): Coding on Chromebook)
http://bit.ly/beebotgrids (LauraBTRT: BeeBot Mat Grid Templates in Powerpoint - add your skills.)
http://ozobot.com/products (@bcdtech Maureen: I got these just for me to play with- "my vacationplans")
http://www.eschoolnews.com/2015/12/18/6-steam-tinkering-tools-for-the-holidays (Doug Henry in San Leandro CA: ESchool news article about robots and MakeyMakey)
http://amzn.to/1mdYKsg (@plnaugle(Paula): AmazonSmile: Wonder Workshop Dash and Dot Robot Pack: Toys & Games--seems to be available)
https://twitter.com/SamPatue (Peggy George: follow Sam Patterson on Twitter! Always sharing fantastic resources!)
http://projectguts.org (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically -- is a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) program for middle school students based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and serving districts nationally. Growing up thinking scientifically means learning to look at the world and ask questions, develop answers to the questions through scientific inquiry, and design solutions to their problems)
https://www.cs-first.com/ (Google CS First: Computer Science. Empowering all students to create with technology through free computer science clubs. CS First provides free, easy-to-use computer science (CS) enrichment materials that target and engage a diverse student population)
http://lifehacker.com/google-cs-first-teaches-kids-programming-and-computer-s-1689412241 (Peggy George: Google CS First Teaches Kids Programming and Computer Science for Free)
https://blockly-games.appspot.com/about?lang=en (Blockly Games: series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming. By the end of these games, players are ready to use conventional text-based languages. The games are designed to be self-paced and self-teaching.)