Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2012-03-10.0541.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny Url for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-FlippedClassroom
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+MAR102012
Audio Recording:
Topic: The Flipped Classroom
Special Guests: Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session will be added at the end of the list and also on the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play/326880
(Note: Click on tab for "Flipped Classroom" in the LiveBinder.)
http://flipped-learning.com (Jon Bergmann’s blog)
http://chemicalsams.blogspot.com/ (Aaron Sam’s blog)
http://vodcasting.ning.com/ (The Flipped Class Network-a social network dedicated to educators interested in the flip.)
http://www.flippedclassroom.com/ (Vodcasting and the flipped classroom-This site is maintained byJerry Overmyer and is devoted to teaching educators how to use vodcasting to flip your classroom. This method of learning is the brainchild of Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams who are pioneers in the field of using vodcasts in the classroom.)
http://edublog.techsmith.com/2011/06/20-to-watch-iste-presenters-jonathan-bergmann-aaron-sams.html (20 to Watch and ISTE Presenters: Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-manifest-823.php (Flipped Classroom Manifest)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-conversation-689.php (The Flipped Class: What it is and What it is not Part 1 of 3)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/are-you-ready-to-flip-691.php (Are You Ready to Flip? Part 2 of 3 of "The Flipped Class")
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-what-does-a-good-one-look-like-692.php (The Flipped Class: What Does a Good One Look Like? Part 3 of 3)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/teachers-doing-the-flip-to-help-students-become-learners-531.php (Teachers Doing the “Flip” to Help Students Become Learners)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/how-the-flipped-classroom-is-radically-transforming-learning-536.php (How the Flipped Classroom is Radically Transforming Learning)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-good-stuff-happens-715.php (The Flipped Class: Show Me the Data)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-flipped-homework-774.php (The Flipped Homework: Disrupting the Concept of Homework)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-best-way-to-reach-each-student-private-school-flips-learning-547.php (The best way to reach each student? Private school Math teacher flips learning-Stacey Roshan)
http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ap-calculus-ab/id393535229 (Stacey Roshan’s videos for AP Calculus)
http://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/the-flipped-class-shedding-light-on-the-confusion-critique-and-hype-801.php (The Flipped Class: Shedding light on the confusion, critique, and hype)
http://www.scoop.it/t/screencasting-for-online-learning (Scoop.it created and curated by Peggy George: Screencasting for Online Learning-resources for both screencasting and flipped classroom)
http://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/the-flipped-classroom-model-a-full-picture/#wpl-likebox (The Flipped Classroom Model-A Full Picture by Jackie Gerstein)
http://digitalsandbox.weebly.com/flipped-classroom.html (Flipped Classroom Defined)
http://www.teachscienceandmath.com/2011/12/15/warning-flipping-your-classroom-may-lead-to-increased-student-understanding/ (Warning: Flipping Your Classroom may Lead to Increased Student Understanding)
http://teachingwithted.pbworks.com/w/page/37315118/Flipping-the-Classroom (Flipping the Classroom resources compiled by Jackie Gerstein)
https://sites.google.com/a/cloud.stillwater.k12.mn.us/flipped-classroom/about (Flipped Math Classroom-Stillwater Flipped Classroom pilot project. Between
September, 2011, and January, 2012, a group of 5th grade math teachers
will conduct a pilot project called “Flipped Math Classroom”.)
https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/p71892992/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal (Flipped Classroom Webinar recording in Adobe Connect: Karl Fisch, Jon Bergmann, Scott McLeod, David Truss, Sylvia Martinez, Pam Moran, Jonathan Martin, Frank Noschese, Jerrid Kruse-June 2011)
(Webinar supplemental resources)
http://bigthink.com/ideas/38763 (Scott McLeod: Webinar blog post and comments)
http://youtu.be/2H4RkudFzlc (Aaron's Video introducing the Flipped Classroom)
http://youtu.be/zZIlQcZJ_-w (Chemistry Video Sampler)
http://youtu.be/QRevpLhw06w (Flipped Mastery Classroom Video)
Pre-order their new book-available July 2012
Flip Your Classroom: Talk to Every Student in Every Class Every Day
Links shared in chat by participants:
http://www.educationdreamer.com/p/about-me.html (Brett Clark)
http://flippedclassroom.weebly.com/ (Brett Clark's website)
http://flipteaching.com (Ramsey Musallam )
http://www.youtube.com/user/Learning4Mastery (Flipped Classroom YouTube video channel)
http://elevatedmath.com/blog/category/flipped-classroom-2/ (Elevated Math: Flipped Classroom videos and resources. Elevated Math is a compilation of 173 award-winning instructional lessons that have been grouped into various bundles to offer math education for various grade levels and college entrance exams. Each lesson contains between 13 and 45 minutes of quality animation to guide students towards understanding and solving math concepts and problems. )
http://elevatedmath.com/blog/2011/11/14/a-case-for-the-flipped-classroom/#more-1242 (Elevated Math: A Case for the Flipped Classroom)
http://vodcasting.ning.com/group/masterylearning/forum/topics/letter-to-parentsstudents (Sample parent letter for explaining mastery learning/flipped approach)
http://simplek12.com/tlc/webinars/ (Brian Bennett’s webinar on Simple K12 Day of Learning-Every Student’s Success: Accommodations in a Flipped Classroom; FREE but registration required; Thursday, March 15, 2012, Time: 4:30 PM-5:00 PM EDT Time)
http://media-converter.com/ (Media converter for converting all kinds of media to other formats)
http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html (Camtasia Studio records and produces video in many different formats)
http://zamzar.com/ (Free online file conversion)
http://formatoz.com/index.html (Format Factory for video conversions)
http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078740428/ (I am using a Glencoe series for 6th & 7th grade math - each lesson has recorded white board lessons- they helped me to flip things since last year!)
http://flippingwithkirch.blogspot.com/p/help-with-flipping.html (Crystal Kirch: I'm keeping an updated list of resources and articles I've found here as well as my blog about my experiences)
http://udltechtoolkit.wikispaces.com/ (UDL Toolkit)
http://www.DMSFlippedMath.com (kdhoward: DMS Flipped Math Classroom-it helps when you have a partner to flip with)
http://flipped-learning.com/?page_id=5 (Flipped Class Conference link)
http://www.scoop.it/t/the-flipped-classroom (Another flipped classroom scoop.it by Jackie Gerstein)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGo0MmZwNjBTdGt6di03RzB4Z1RlWkE6MQ#gid=0 - (Crystal Kirch: If you are flipping or thinking about it, fill out my questionnaire I am trying to collect info on teachers in all subject areas who are flipping so you can connect with others. I'll be posting the results sometime soon.)
http://tinyurl.com/EduVision-FlippedClassWebinar (Live webinar with Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams: (Wednesday,March 21, 2012 10:00 am PDT) EduVision Flipped Classroom Webinar (Free but registration required), Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Presenters)
http://live.classroom20.com/1/category/screencasting/1.html (Screencasting webinar on Classroom 2.0 LIVE with Lorna Costantini)
http://www.edu20.org and you can sign up for free. (clinds: We just started piloting this for online discussions.
http://vodcasting.ning.com/events/flipped-class-conference-1 (Join Brian Bennett in a 30 minute webinar on how the flipped classroom and working with IEP and 504 plans. Also, learn how the flipped classroom is personalizing education for every student, not just documented accommodations. Look for details on the conference here (the Simple K12 webinar).
http://learnnowbc.ca/educators/MoodleMeets/default.aspx (This MoodleMeet is free and open to all-registration required. Join Lorna Costantini and Peggy George for great resources and conversations about screencasting and the flipped classroom-March 16-21, 2012)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6IciL99Ozs (Promo video for upcoming MoodleMeet-includes instructions for joining-registration required but free)
https://twitter.com/#!/search/flippedclassroom (Find other teachers to follow on Twitter who are sharing flipped classroom resources)
http://vodcasting.ning.com/video/peer-into-a-mastery-classroom (Video of Jon asking questions to individual and small groups of students)
Crystal Kirch: Edmodo groups to follow that are sharing resources for Flipped Classrooms: Flip Share and Flipping your Class; Somersaulting in the Classroom; (Paula Naugle) I also started an Edmodo group classed Flipped Class. The code for that group is t728f5
(Paula Naugle: Join the Classroom 2.0 Friends group-Code: jp8hww )