Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time: 9:00am PST/10:00am MST
11:00am CST/12:00pm EST
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2009-02-28.0903.M.0CA7B1E68191446688E777F5E71D8F.vcr
Recording (audio): http://audio.edtechlive.com/cr20/Social Networking 28 Feb 09.mp3
Recording (chat): http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR+20+LIVE+28+Feb+09
Newbie Question of the Week: How do find and join a Ning network?
Topic: Social Networking in Education and Ning
Sharetabs link: http://www.sharetabs.com/?classroom20live02282009
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions:
http://tinyurl.com/cnu92g (Steve Hargadon: Tutorial on Elluminate with Step-by-step instructions for creating a Ning)
http://www.stevehargadon.com/2008/05/ning-dashboard.html (Steve Hargadon: Making a Ning Dashboard on Pageflakes)
http://www.stevehargadon.com/2007/11/big-news-from-ning-ad-free-student.html (Steve Hargadon: Free Ad-free Ning communities for K-12 educators)
http://www.classroom20.com/ (Classroom 2.0 Ning)
http://thumannresources.com/2009/01/01/classroom-20-ten-reasons-to-join-in-2009/ (Lisa Thumann: Top 10 Reasons to Join Classroom 2.0 Ning)
http://futureofed.ning.com/ (Future of Education Ning)
http://vidsnacks.ning.com/ (VidSnacks Ning for educators interested in using/creating video for classrooms)
http://education.ning.com/ (Ning in Education)
http://www.screencast.com/users/btcjen/folders/Jing/media/c7e5e6de-9843-4e6c-b92b-46c1b1c06372 (Short screencast by Jennifer Jones on managing a Ning-based on older Ning format but still relevant and helpful)
http://projectsbyjen.ning.com (Jennifer Wagner: Projects by Jen-Classroom Online Projects for elementary K-6 teachers/students)
http://necc2008.ning.com/ (NECC Ning-current activity related to NECC 2009)
http://voicethread.ning.com/ (VoiceThread in Education Ning: Resources for people using VoiceThread in their classrooms)
http://essdackartsnacks.ning.com (Kevin Honeycutt: ArtSnacks Ning-Art lessons, artwork, videos, tutorials, resources for creative learning with contributions from both students and teachers)
http://globaleducation.ning.com/ (Ning community for teachers and students interested in global education created by Lucy Gray)
http://mygrantwrangler.ning.com/ (Ning community for K-12 grant seekers and grant givers)
http://isenet.ning.com (Independent School Educators Network created by Demetri Orlando-valuable resources for all educators)
http://podstock.ning.com/ (Ning network for educators who are interested in educational podcasting and transforming learning with technology created by Kevin Honeycutt)
http://www.digitalparents.org/ (Ning network for helping parents to understand how young people use the Internet-excellent model for parent community)
http://meholocausteducation.ning.com/ (Maine Holocaust Education Network: group of educators and students sharing and collaborating with each other in order to understand the Holocaust and work towards preventing future holocausts, genocides, and other human rights atrocities).
http://images4education.ning.com/ (Images for Education online course Ning created by Carla Arena-fantastic example of using a Ning to collaborate on learning about using images/photo tols/Flickr in education)
http://mrling.ning.com/ (Mr. Ling's 8th Grade Science Class)