Saturday,September 12 , 2009
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full):
Tiny url for full recording: http://tinyurl.com/prezi-cr20live
Recording (chat):
Recording (audio):
Gl.am link for 9/12/09: http://gl.am/9Pb6e
http://teach42.com (Steve Dembo Blog)
http://www.discoveryedspeakersbureau.com/node/21 (Steve Dembo Bio: Online Community Manager for Discovery Education)
http://www.teach42.com/2009/07/20/top-10-free-web-2-0-sites-for-educators-necc-edition/(Steve Dembo: Presentation including recording and slides for "Top 10 Free Web 2.0 Sites for Educators" created using Prezi)
http://prezi.com/aqor_okc-qoi/ (Steve Dembo: Prezi presentation)
http://blog.discoveryeducation.com/digital_passports/ (Steve Dembo: Discovery Education Blog)
http://edmodo.com (Edmodo: Just like Twitter...if Twitter had been designed by an educator)
http://www.polleverywhere.com (Poll Everywhere: classroom response system in your pocket)
http://www.livestream.com (Livestream: entire TV studio in your browser)
http://drop.io (Drop.io: Phone it, Fax it, Email it, Text it, Upload it, Share it, DROP.io it)
http://delicious.com (Delicious: Not just bookmarking, SOCIAL bookmarking)
http://sharetabs.com (Sharetabs: when you have a lot to share but want to keep it simple)
http://sharetabs.com/?discoveryedu4u (Steve Dembo: Sharetabs for Discovery Education)
http://sharetabs.com/?top10freeweb20 (Steve Dembo: Sharetabs for Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools)
http://prezi.com (Prezi: looking at presentations from entirely new angles)
http://extranormal.com (XtraNormal: text-to-speech moviemaking and so much more)
http://jaycut.com (Jaycut beta: iMovie/MovieMaker in your browser)
http://www.bloglines.com (Blogline: Keep track of all your favorite blogs, news, searches and more)
http://prezi.com/voimy5yas1gz/ (Prezi presentation by Scott Wheet: Science of the Renaissance)
http://activehistory.co.uk/updates/history-teachers/prezi-a-quickstart-guide-for-teachers-and-students/ (Russel Tarr-ActiveHistory.co.uk: Downloadable quick start guide for Prezi with examples of presentations on Prezi)
http://prezi.com/qocphi1gr7bw/view/#1 (George Siemens: outstanding example using Prezi--Ontario Public Supervisory Officials' Association, April 23, 2009-Social Learning, Participation and Emerging Technologies)
http://peterpappas.blogs.com/copy_paste/2009/02/how-to-embed-a-prezi-presentation-in-your-blog.html (Peter Pappas: How to Embed a Prezi Presentation in your Blog)
http://peterpappas.blogs.com/copy_paste/2009/02/prezi-engage-your-audience-with-a-zooming-nonlineal-presentation.html (Peter Pappas: "Prezi-Engage your Audience with a Zooming, Non-Lineal Presentation)
http://prezi.com/fcxvvja0ge7_/ (Diana Dell: Top Ten Web 2.0 Tools)
http://prezi.com/mckd0qe6xpgt/view/#1 (4 Questions Answered about Twitter for Teachers)
http://prezi.com/ziuvgehce50i/view/#98 (My Differentiated PLN)
http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dhn2vcv5_238djxmbfhd (Tom Barrett: Google Presentation-5 Interesting Ways to Use Prezi in the Classroom)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0kriH9dKzk (YouTube video: Prezi Editing-Ice Cream for Everyone-A demo of Prezi.com editing, or
"how to convince the city council to give out free ice cream" )
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzAARhMVrh8 (YouTube video: Learn About Prezi Framing)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIJ2cH9EyhA (YouTube video: Learn Prezi Tricks)