Saturday, May 21, 2011
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2011-05-21.0916.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny URL for recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-ProjectsbyJen
Recording (chat): http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE_MAY212011
Recording (audio):
Topic: Power of Projects
Special Guest: Jennifer Wagner
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session are added at the end of the list)
LiveBinder Link: http://livebinders.com/edit?id=93567
(Note: Click on tab for Jennifer Wagner-May 21, 2011)
ProjectsbyJen --http://projectsbyjen.ning.com/
Guess The Wordle --http://projectsbyjen.com/GTW/
Blog: http://projectsbyjen.com/blog/
Jen's Book: http://www.lulu.com/JenW0424
Jen's Linkable Account: http://www.linkable.com/jenniferwagner
Please feel free to contact Jennifer at projectsbyjen @ gmail . com
Links from Jennifer’s presentation
- http://booksgoglobal.wikispaces.com/
- http://www.flatstanley.com/
- http://www.projectsbyjen.com/calendar.htm
- http://www.globalschoolnet.org/gsh/pr/
- http://www.rockourworld.org/
- http://www.toothtally.com/
- http://www.earthdaybags.org/
- http://liferoundhere.pbwiki.com/
- http://www.monsterexchange.org/
- http://globaleducation.ning.com/
- http://www.cyberbee.com/projects.html
- http://www.epals.com/projects/info.aspx?DivID=index
- http://www.projectgroundhog.net/index.php?P=about
- http://www.projectsbyjen.com
- http://projectsbyjen.com/archives.htm
- http://teachwithwiki.wikispaces.com/Elementary+Teachers
- http://www.wordle.net
- http://ed.voicethread.com/#q.b44783.i234219
- http://www.ccusd93.org/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=27386&
- http://pnaugle.blogspot.com/2009/09/cloudy-with.html
- https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?hl=en&hl=en&key=0Ajs6b3XF1u0kdGV2V3BqbUFaSm4xZEp3UVI5SUNuRkE&output=html
- http://web.mac.com/dixonrob2/Site/Welcome/Entries/2010/9/30_OREO_Day.html
http://techmeetsed.com/2011/05/15/howard-gardner-on-digital-youth/ (Howard Gardner on Digital Youth)
https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHltNUNjNThac2NpZUJ2WjdvbVhSTFE6MQ#gid=0 (Google form created by Jen Wagner that we completed during the session)
Marissa Engelhard @espanateacher: Skype Across America http://bit.ly/SkypeUS
TerriReh 1: Animoto, PLus account is free to educators http://animoto.com/pricing
Sheri Edwards: http://voicethread.com/products/k12/
Peggy George: http://edu.glogster.com/
zmidler: Pay the $60 upgrade to get a pro edu acct. so you can moderate the projects
LucianDuma ro @web20education: http://dumacornellucian.edu.glogster.com/
zmidler: Current Voicethread Poetry Collab between 1st grade, 8th grade, 4th grade Spanish, and @Grade1 students in Canada. Join the conversation!
Peggy George: http://ed.voicethread.com/
Jill: I have used wikispaces for a puppet project http://puppetplace.wikispaces.com/
Marissa Engelhard @espanateacher: http://education.skype.com/ - Skype in the Classroom
LucianDuma ro @web20education: I use also voxopop for podcasting collaboration http://www.voxopop.com/group/c1d01502-e7a4-42f2-9fcd-9468a29f04ab
LucianDuma ro @web20education: If you like web 2.0 , social media and semantic web I invite you to join free #edtech20 projects http://education.skype.com/projects/282
Lorna Costantini: http://mapalist.com
Jennifer Wagner: HERE IS HOW YOU USE MAPALIST: http://dgrice.blogspot.com/2009/10/collaborative-maps.html
zmidler: Google Apps Edu users should explore Google Apps--no need to reinvent wheels http://www.google.com/enterprise/marketplace/search?categoryId=25&orderBy=rating
TerriReh 1: Google Apps Regional Users Groups http://bit.ly/jDPgp4
Jennifer Wagner: Site for creating collaborative Venn Diagrams
zmidler: We just did Build Your Wild Self this week with K& 1st grade to pump them up for their zoo field trip http://www.buildyourwildself.com/
LucianDuma ro @web20education: http://edtech20project.primarywall.com/2
TerriReh 1: Introduced Twiducate so my students could use a student version of Twitter http://www.twiducate.com/
http://twitter.com/#!/jorech Follow him for project ideas
http://www.k12science.org/currichome.html CIESE website for science projects
Jill: Here's a screencast on how to set up student email accounts: http://www.screencast.com/users/courosa/folders/Jing/media/7c606039-4d17-4369-b99b-c467de708a36
http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/668 Instructions from Alec Coucros for gmail accounts
TerriReh 1: Colorado Peeps head to TIE Conference http://tiecolorado.org/
Peggy George: there are fabulous free resources and project ideas for teachers on this UK site http://www.ictopus.org.uk/ Free but have to sign up
TerriReh 1: Check out this vid on Ipad sharing in the classroom with students talking about it-15 Ipads in a lower elem classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYLirypK_Yo
zmidler: Two iPad resources: follow Frasier Speirs (Scotland)--the Man! http://speirs.org/ and I maintain a 1:1 Computing Link in Diigo http://groups.diigo.com/group/11-computing-links
Peggy George: Cherie Toledo blog and twitter-conducting research on ipads http://twitter.com/#!/cheritoledo http://drctedd.wordpress.com/
Peggy George: Check out the Civil War Sallie projects- http://www.civilwarsallie.com/