Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
Join us on February 15th when we will be hosting an "Open Mic" show on the topic of Blended Learning. We are trying a new format for this show and hope you will be as excited as we are about it. Our Classroom 2.0 Advisory Team member extraordinaire, Paula Naugle, suggested this concept as a way to provide even more interaction and participation in the live show. For this show only there will not be a guest presenter, but we are inviting all of you to join us and take the mic to engage in a conversation about blended learning. This will be similar to an EdCamp format where everyone comes together to explore and discuss a topic but it is being done virtually rather than face-to-face.
Come with your ideas, resources, and questions and together we will learn about what blended learning is, what it might look like in classrooms for students of all ages (K-12 to Adult), how it is being used to provide authentic, engaging learning experiences, and more. Paula will facilitate the conversation and we hope you'll come prepared to share something with your headset/earbuds on to take the mic and add to the conversation. We'll have an awesome Livebinder prepared with blended learning resources and will look forward to adding your resources to the Livebinder. Invite your colleagues who are using blended learning to join us in the conversation and we'll all learn together.
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2014-02-15.0910.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny URL for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-OpenMic-BlendedLearning-2-15-14
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/February15_2014
Audio Recording (mp3)
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session will be added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link:http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1231762 (Note: Click on tab for "Open Mic-Blended Learning" in the LiveBinder)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blended_learning (Blended Learning explanation on Wikipedia)
http://www.eschoolnews.com/2012/01/12/some-see-blended-learning-as-future-of-education/ (Some See Blended Learning as the Future of Education)
http://www.eschoolnews.com/2014/01/28/teachers-blended-learning-891/ (Seven Ways to Prepare Incoming Teachers for Blended Learning)
http://www.eschoolnews.com/2014/01/21/successful-blended-learning-723/ (Five Steps to a Successful Blended Learning Program)
http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2013/10/02/06mojkowski.h33.html (Schools Must Bring Creativity to Blended Learning)
http://blendedlearning.wikispaces.com/ (Blended Learning Wiki)
https://plus.google.com/events/c0nhq0ac62gicj7v2iknk514sl0 (How Do You Coach Blended Learning Roundtable (recording available)
http://www.edweb.net/blendedlearning (Blended Learning Community on Edweb.net: regular webinars and sharing in the community-all recordings are in the Resource Library. You have to join the community to access the Resource Library but it is free.)
http://blended.online.ucf.edu/ (Blended Learning Toolkit)
http://www.educause.edu/library/blended-learning (Blended Learning resources in the Educause Library)
https://www.coursera.org/course/blendedlearning (Coursera free online course on Blended Learning)
http://www.teachthought.com/blended-learning-2/the-definition-of-blended-learning/ (The Definition of Blended Learning)
http://www.teachthought.com/learning/6-types-of-blended-learning/ (Six Types of Blended Learning (great infographic in this post))
http://www.teachthought.com/trends/elearning/4-benefits-of-blended-learning/ (4 Benefits of Blended Learning)
http://www.teachthought.com/trends/flipped-classroom-trends/10-steps-towards-a-blended-learning-program/ (10 Steps Towards a Blended Learning Program)
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blended_Learning_in_K-12 (Blended Learning in K-12/Wikibooks: Great suggestions organized by grade levels)
http://blendedlearning.wikispaces.com/Everything+You+Need+to+Teach+and+Learn+Online (Everything You Need to Teach and Learn Online)
http://www.knewton.com/blended-learning/ (Blended Learning infographic)
http://www.christenseninstitute.org/blended-learning-model-definitions/ (Clayton Christensen Institute: Blended Learning Model Definitions)
http://cogdog.wikispaces.com/CollabTools (Alan Levine: Collaborative Tools)
http://www.knewton.com/flipped-classroom/ (Flipped Classroom Infographic)
http://cybraryman.com/blendedlearning.html (Cybraryman’s Page on Blended Learning)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xMqJmMcME0 (The Basics of Blended Learning YouTube video)
http://www.blendedlearningnow.com/ (BlendedLearningNow is an aggregator of the leading blogs, news, research, case studies and videos about blended learning)
http://www.blendmylearning.com/ (Read how other teachers are using blended learning to transform their classroom on the Blend My Learning blog.)
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/blended-learning-getting-started-lisa-dabbs (Edutopia article by Lisa Dabbs on Blended Learning)
http://ipresentonline.com/ (30 Hands Cloud: a platform for online and blended learning that merges personalized, structured content with social media and student publishing for better, student-centric learning. Free for teachers.)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/freestuff/ (Shamblesguru: Open Ed Resources)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/screencast/ (Shamblesguru: Screencasting Resources)
http://www.scoop.it/t/screencasting-for-online-learning (Peggy George: Scoop.it Screencasting/Flipped Classroom resources)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session have been added here:
http://goo.gl/PT4akF - (Doug Henry: Emerging Ed Tech link on Free Blended Learning Resource)
http://www.christenseninstitute.org/publications/hybrids/ (Toni Plourde:
Link for blended learning k-12 as a disruptive model to improve education)
http://www.classtools.net/ (Create free games, quizzes, activities and diagrams in seconds! Host them on your own blog, website or intranet! No signup, no passwords, no charge!)
https://noredink.com/ (No Red Ink: Help your students improve their grammar and writing skills. Create assignments and quizzes without doing any grading. Target Common Core skills using your students’ interests.)
http://turnitin.com/ (TurnItIn: a comprehensive cloud-based solution that helps students learn by facilitating personalized feedback, check students' work for potential plagiarism, give students legible, timely feedback & save grading time, streamline peer reviews)
http://www.newsela.com/ (@stidmama I guess I am dipping my toes in by using NewsELA because I have my students read articles and respond by highlighting and making comments; then I respond to their ideas first online and then in class discussions)
http://kidblog.org/home/ (Great, safe blogging platform for students)
http://explaineverything.com/ (Explain Everything: great iPad app for creating screencasts-interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/comments4kids (Follow #comments4kids to provide students feedback for their blogging; use #comments4kids on Twitter if your students are blogging. It will generate lots of comments from around the globe. Also have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/comments4kids )
http://flatconnections.net/ (Toni Plourde: Teacher network for global learning. Fostering learning using Web 2.0 and global collaborative practices and providing a resource for educators to connect globally #flatconnection)
http://www.teachthought.com/blended-learning-2/10-drivers-of-blended-learning-in-education/ (10 Drivers of Blended Learning in Education "Blended learning is more than electronic textbooks and productivity tools. It means inventing or adopting new learning environments that work better for students and teachers.")
http://virtualhomeschoolgroup.com/ (Tammy Moore’s Virtual HomeSchool program)
http://www.mybigcampus.com/ (My Big Campus: a Learning Management System that extends the classroom to a safe and engaging online environment similar to Edmodo)
https://moodle.org/ (Moodle: a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments)
http://goo.gl/x7x2jX (@teachteKBeck (Kristen): Here is a great ted talk from a 13 year old who has hacked his schooling. When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and healthy. He discusses how hacking his education is helping him achieve this goal.)
http://www.livescribe.com/en-us/solutions/k12/ (rtxenja:We make livescribe pencasts of lectures which are then posted to Edmodo. Students get to create mini video tutorials which we also share online)
https://ipad-apps.zeef.com/lucian.duma (LucianCurator: my startup mLearning portofolio with more than 200 edapps)
http://bit.ly/MWOXVZ (@plnaugle (Paula) Link to my survey -Student/Parent/Community Technology Survey)
http://tinyurl.com/ktpafw9 (Nai Wang: I use this funny example of kids googling-Big Bang Kid Lookup)
http://www.tenmarks.com/ (TenMarks: free math practice and instructional videos aligned with standards. Free version includes content for a single grade with automated grading, teacher insights to students’ most common mistakes)
https://www.frontrowed.com/ (@bcdtech Maureen: I set up sum dog, manga high, ten marks and front row. Differentiated math instruction for iPad and web. Students use device as scratch paper for quick computations and to help them master subjects. Also has dozens of virtual manipulatives)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1epU5vOKbBNT6h_mcDMt_cZoHBh5qunLwLvni-tGqOXY/edit (Toni Olivieri-Barton @toniobarton: Anyone who wants to connect students with Autisum on Autism Day, save this link)
https://www.schoology.com/ (Schoology is a dynamic, intuitive, and user-centric learning management solution focused on making improvement accessible in diverse educational environments. Has custom webpage and content creation, interactive collaboration capabilities, and seamless, third-party application integration. @teachteKBeck (Kristen): For older students, Schoology is a great LMS (learning management system) to use. My middle schoolers did not like edmodo. The platform does not matter, it is what you are used to or are comfortable using)
http://www.flec.ednet.ns.ca/staff/What%20is%20Backward%20Design%20etc.pdf (Toni Olivieri-Barton @toniobarton: I just did PD in another district that is Backwards by Design all the way. They used the word Outcomes more than anything. We are an IB/PYP school so our planners are also backwards by design)
http://www.socrative.com/ (Eileen: I like to use Socrative as a formative and a summative assessment with my 3rd graders)
http://blog.nwf.org/2013/05/5-reasons-ms-frizzle-rocks-as-a-teacher/ (5 Reasons Ms. Frizzle Rocks as a Teacher)
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/14/nyregion/snow-day-thats-great-now-log-in-get-to-class.html ( Susie @shighley: And we didn't even touch on all of the schools considering blended learning for making up their snow days!)
http://learningandsharingwithmsl.blogspot.ca/2013/06/how-is-technology-transforming-my.html (Karen @klirenman: How Technology is Transforming my Teaching)
http://www.edweek.org/ew/collections/e-learning-2014-blended/index.html?=EW-BL0114-EML (EdWeek: Sizing Up Blended Learning)
http://insidetheclassroomoutsidethebox.wordpress.com/2014/02/02/technology-integration-and-blended-learning-there-is-a-difference/ (Technology Integration and Blended Learning: There is a Difference)
https://vts.inxpo.com/scripts/Server.nxp?LASCmd=AI:4;F:QS%2110100&ShowKey=18109&&AffiliateData=EW-BL0114-EML (Free webinar from EdWeek-held on Feb. 13 but recording available on demand with registration)
http://www.edweek.org/ew/marketplace/webinars/webinars.html (Free webinar on Feb. 20 hosted by EdWeek: Personalized and Blended-Learning Success: 25 Tips From Experienced Educators. Register to participate.)
http://learningrevolution.com/ (The Learning Revolution Project)
http://ozelive.com (Free virtual conference #OZeLIVE -Feb 22 & 23 online, open to all but hosted in Australia to provide them with user-friendly time zone)