Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
As the creator of the TeacherCast network, Jeff shared what the network is, how it came to be created, how it helps educators navigate the sea of technology, and how teachers can use these resources to support their own professional development. The TeacherCast Podcast, Teachercast App spotlight, and TeacherCast University Podcast are three globally recognized podcasts which highlight the offerings of app developers, personal educational insight, and helpful hints for students and educators. These discussions are all available on four separate podcast feeds in iTunes. http://www.teachercast.net
About Jeff:
Jeffrey Bradbury, the creator of TeacherCast.net and JerseyEducation.com is an educational media specialist. He created the educational networks TeacherCast.net and JerseyEducation.com where he writes blogs, produces and hosts podcasts, reviews apps, and provides screencasts to help teachers learn how to use today’s technologies. Jeffrey Bradbury teaches in the North Brunswick Twp School District. He teaches Music Theory and Music History as well as directs a wonderful high school orchestra that he is very proud of. In 2012, Jeff was recognized as one of top 50 educators using social media at the first ever Bammy Awards. He was also selected as a Google Certified Teacher.
Jeff is a highly respected educational consultant. He has presented at ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) as well as other nationally recognized conferences, and was one of the founding organizers of edcampNJ.
Jeff earned his Bachelors and Masters Degree from West Chester University in Pennsylvania. In his free time, Jeff enjoys teaching, playing violin, conducting, and spending time with his wife Jennifer. See Bradbury’s work at www.TeacherCast.net a site for teachers to help teachers use todays technologies. @TeacherCast @JeffBradbury
Recording (full):
Tiny URL for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-TeacherCast-8-10-13
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVEAUG102013
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session will be added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link: https://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=937692
(Note: Click on tab for "TeacherCast-Jeff Bradbury" in the LiveBinder)
http://teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast Home Page)
http://jeffbradbury.me/ (About.Me for Jeff Bradbury @TeacherCast)
http://teachercast.net/personnel/ (About Jeff Bradbury @TeacherCast)
http://youtu.be/4gvjOfu1qI4 (TeacherCast Promotional Video)
http://www.teachercast.tv/ (TeacherCast TV for Live Shows)
http://podcast.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast Podcast)
http://blog.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast Blog)
http://app.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast App)
http://tcu.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast University)
http://teachercast.net/ibook(TeacherCast eBook)
http://www.TeacherCast.net/YouTube (TeacherCast Video Archive)
http://www.TeacherCast.net/itunes (TeacherCast Audio Archives)
Links shared by participants in the chat log during the session:
http://www.teachmeetnj.com/ (TeachMeet New Jersey: an "unconference" devoted to K-12 educators sharing different aspects of technology in education, The Richard Stockton College of NJ, August 22nd, 2013)
http://www.cybraryman.com/ (Cybraryman’s educational websites)
http://edcampnj.org/ (EdCamp New Jersey: an “unconference” devoted to K-12 Education issues and ideas, Linwood Middle School, North Brunswick New Jersey, November 23, 2013. FREE!)
http://movies.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast Movies)
http://podcast.teachercast.net/tcp96/ (Interview with @WokkaPatue about Puppets in Education | TeacherCast Podcast #96)
http://patue.teachercast.net/category/chat/ (Patue: weekly chat about specific issues in classrooms that looks for the points where good pedagogy and tech tools intersect. Have talked about assistive technology, blogging, puppets, Standards Based Grading, #youmatter, and more.)
http://patue.teachercast.net/patue-homepage/ (Patue EduPuppets)
http://teachercast.jobamatic.com/a/jobs/find-jobs (TeacherCast Career Center-find a job)
http://pin.teachercast.net/ (TeacherCast PinBoard)
http://www.schoolinfoapp.com/ (SchoolinfoApp: Mobile informational platform for schools)
http://www.schoolinfoapp.com/press.aspx (Learn more about SchoolInfoApp from interview with @TeacherCast)
http://www.timetoast.com/ (TimeToast: Create timelines and share them on the internet)
https://rss.itunes.apple.com/us/ (RSS feed generator: create custom RSS feeds such as the itunes music, movie, podcast feeds mentioned by Jeff. Source is iTunes Store)
https://www.udemy.com/ (Udemy: Sign up for free online courses to learn about various technology software and tools).
https://www.udemy.com/ipadsforeveryone/ (Udemy: iPads: What Everyone Should Know-course created by Jeff Bradbury-$15)
http://www.appshed.com/ (Appshed: Create your own apps)
http://podcast.teachercast.net/appshed/ (TeacherCast interview with Torsten Stauch from AppShed to discuss how school districts and classrooms can create amazing mobile apps for their communities)
http://edcampsd.org/ (EdCamp San Diego, Oct. 13, 2013)
http://edcamphome.org/july13/session-1/ (EcCampHOME: virtual EdCamp conducted with Google Hangouts)