Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2011-12-03.0926.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny Url for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-JulieRamsay
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+DEC32011
Audio Recording:
LiveBinder Link: http://www.livebinders.com/edit?id=242632(Note: Click on tab for "Julie Ramsay" in the LiveBinder.)
http://juliedramsay.blogspot.com/ (Julie Ramsay’s blog-Eduflections)
http://juliedramsay.blogspot.com/p/tools.html (Julie’s resources for previous presentations)
You can find examples of the wikis that my students collaboratively created with over 300 other students here:
http://coasttocoastchroniclesed5.wikispaces.com/ (Coast to Coast Chronicles-5th Edition: Exploring Our Heritage)
http://coasttocoastchroniclesed6.wikispaces.com/ (Coast to Coast Chronicles-6th Edition)
http://coasttocoastchroniclesed7.wikispaces.com/Alabama (Coast to Coast Chronicles-7th Edition)Wikispaces http://coasttocoastchroniclesed5.wikispaces.com/StoryJumper http://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/2146242/Math-terpieces
- VoiceThread http://voicethread.com/#q.b1294180.i7187729
- http://coasttocoastchroniclesed6.wikispaces.com/Alabama
- Resources for presentation http://juliedramsay.blogspot.com/p/tools.html
- Build Your Wild Self avatar creator http://www.buildyourwildself.com/
- Direct link for Julie’s book: (http://www.stenhouse.com/shop/pc/viewprd.asp?idProduct=9448
- Skype free video calls. You can find experts and authors to Skype into your classroom.
- Wikispaces a place to collect and publish collaboratively- teacher can request ad-free spaces. You can find examples of the wikis that my students collaboratively created with over 300 other students here: Coast to Coast Chronicles 5th Edition , Coast to Coast Chronicles 6th Edition and Coast to Coast Chronicles 7th Edition.
- Wallwisher a digital post-it board; great for collaborative brainstorming. Another tools that works similarly is Linoit.
- StoryJumper publishes digital storybooks. My students used it to create Math-terpieces.
- Surveys can be created on Poll Everywhere. These surveys can be taken via computer or cell phones.
- Online quizzes can be created on ProProfs.
- Voice Thread collaboration made simple. Here's the example that I shared: Exploring Our Heritage
- Digital Storytelling on Photo Story 3
- Digital Comic Strips on Toon Doo
- Podcasts on Audacity
- Kid Blog is a great place for students to reflect and teachers can read posts and comments before they are published. A great lesson on teaching students how to blog can be found at Notes From McTeach.
http://www.rose-prism.org/moodle/ (Susie Highley)
http://flagstaffacademylmc.wikispaces.com/ (zmidler-Glog example on a wiki)
http://caisefiles.wikispaces.com/Web+Conferencing+Resources (Kim Caise-Web conferencing resources on a wiki)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/wallwisher/ (Wallwisher resources compiled by Shamblesguru)
http://www.skypeforeducators.com/educators.htm (Peggy George-find other educators to connect with on Skype)
http://skypeanauthor.wetpaint.com (Peggy George-Skype an Author network)
http://en.linoit.com/ (linoit-an alternative to Wallwisher shared by Julie)
http://www.storyjumper.com/ (StoryJumper home page)
http://www.mixbook.com/ (zmidler-Mixbook is another alternative similar to StoryJumper)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/studpub/ (Shamblesguru-resources for student publishing)
http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2011/11/20/lessons-learned-using-voicethread-for-ipad/ (Paula Naugle-blog post by Wes Fryer about Voicethread on an iPad)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/vthread/ (Shamblesguru-compilation of Voicethread resources)
https://sites.google.com/a/flagstaffacademy.org/mrs-wilkins/voicethread-poetry-collaboration_2011 (zmidler-huge collaborative poetry, art, and foriegn lang. VT last year that involved 100 1st grade students, 80 MS students, Spanish elective students, and @grade1 students in Canada)
http://www.k12onlineconference.org (Peggy George-K12 Online Conference home page-conference going on right now)
http://piclits.com (Peggy George-PicLits which is a fantastic site with photos to encourage all kinds of writing-Terry Friedlander, creator of PicLits was in our session)
http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user (Sheri Edwards-National Novel Writing Month)