Date:Saturday November 5, 2016
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
Are you a teacher or administrator who has been reluctant to try using social media tools such as Twitter to connect with other educators? Have you wanted to expand your professional learning network but just didn't know how? Often it's because you haven't seen how it can help you, and you don't feel you have the time to learn with all of the many demands on your time. You aren't alone. I guarantee that you won't want to miss this webinar with our special guest, Craig Yen. Craig is a 5th grade teacher who teaches at Valle Verde Elementary in Berkeley, California. He is a fan of all things Edtech and enjoys learning from others and sharing this learning widely. No matter where you go on the internet (or even f2f) you will find him participating and sharing constantly with others, whether it is in EdCamps, webinars, Google Hangouts, Twitter chats, #coffeeEDUs, Mystery Skype calls, or at conferences such as CUE, ISTE and #notatiste. He is someone who is an awesome example of a teacher who has navigated this maze and has learned tools, tips and tricks to manage it with great success (and still keep his sanity)! Within this session, you will learn what it means to be a connected educator. Tips will be given on how to manage your Twitter stream and how and where to find people to connect with. He'll also share examples of projects that will demonstrate how you can connect yourself and your students outside the classroom walls.
http://yen4teaching.blogspot.com/ (Craig Yen’s blog)
Connect with him on Twitter @craigyen
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording: http://tinyurl.com/CraigYen-11-5-16
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/November5_2016
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link:
(Note: Click on tab for "Craig Yen-Connected Educator" in the Livebinder).
Craig’s presentation slides:
http://yen4teaching.blogspot.com/ (Craig Yen’s blog)
https://twitter.com/craigyen (Follow Craig Yen on Twitter)
https://plus.google.com/+CraigYen (Craig Yen on Google Plus)
http://yen4teaching.blogspot.com/2013/07/taking-plunge.html (Craig Yen: Taking the Plunge-July 19, 2013)
http://www.cybraryman.com/edhashtags.html (Cybraryman1-Jerry Blumengarten: Educational Hashtags)
http://www.cybraryman.com/hashtags.html (Cybraryman1-Jerry Blumengarten: Resources for hashtags and Twitter chats)
http://www.cybraryman.com/twitter.html (Cybraryman1-Jerry Blumengarten: Twitter resources)
http://cybraryman.com/makerspaces.html (Cybraryman1-Jerry Blumengarten: Makerspaces resources)
https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/ (Tweetdeck: Twitter tool for real-time tracking, organizing, and engagement of Twitter connections and hashtags. )
https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169620 (Getting Started with Tweetdeck)
http://fieldguide.gizmodo.com/tweetdeck-tips-and-tricks-to-master-all-things-twitter-1583140851 (Fieldguide: Tweetdeck Tips and Tricks to Master All Things Twitter)
http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/10-ways-get-more-out-tweetdeck-explained-twitter (10 Ways to Get More Out of Tweetdeck as Explained by Twitter)
http://alicekeeler.com/2015/08/12/class-twitter-account-how-your-students-can-tweet/ (Alice Keeler: Class Twitter Account: How Your Students can Tweet)
http://nuzzel.com/ (Nuzzel: use Nuzzel to discover the best news stories shared by your friends on Facebook and Twitter without being overwhelmed or missing anything. Nuzzel newsletters are automatically generated social newsletters based on your Nuzzel feed.)
https://twitter.com/@2footgiraffe/lists/ (Example of Twitter lists by Adam Taylor @2footgiraffe)
http://thecornerstoneforteachers.com/category/truth-for-teachers-podcast (Angela Watson: Truth for Teachers Podcast)
http://www.teachercast.net/category/podcasting-network/techeducator-podcast/ (Jeff Bradbury: TechEducator podcast)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-bad/id1113176485?mt=2 (Jon Harper: My Bad podcast)
http://bedleybros.podomatic.com/ (Bedley Brothers podcast)
https://edcamp.wikispaces.com/ (EdCamp wikispace)
https://education.microsoft.com/skype-in-the-classroom/overview (Skype in the Classroom)
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9vZ2eMTo2cG-8LJVldJPfOllXXR0Gjm31VsfZumNYs5beag/viewform?c=0&w=1 (Join the Mystery Skype database organized by Craig Kempz (@mrkempnz)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/mysteryskype (Mystery Skype hashtag)
https://pernillesripp.com/2011/10/25/so-you-want-to-do-mystery-skype/ (Pernille Ripp: Tips for Mystery Skype)
https://theglobalreadaloud.com/ (The Global ReadAloud)
http://gmttc.blogspot.com/ (Global Math Task Twitter Challenge)
http://home.edweb.net/ (edWeb: a free professional social and learning network that makes it easy for anyone in the education community to connect with peers, share information and best practices, spread innovative ideas, and provide professional development. Find a community to join that shares your interests. PD certificates available for both live and recorded sessions.)
http://www.simplek12.com/ (SimpleK12: webinars from real teachers and expert educational consultants. 100s of Videos, CEU Certificates, Live Webinars, Community Collaboration. Many live sessions are free to participate in but a subscription is required to view videos on demand)
http://live.classroom20.com/ (Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinars: free professional development. Participate in live webinars hosted in Blackboard Collaborate or view the recordings and Livebinder links in the archives. Certificates available whether you participate in live sessions or recorded sessions.)
http://alicekeeler.com/ (Alice Keeler)
http://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/52-education-blogs-you-should-follow/ (50 Education Blogs You Should Follow)
http://blog.feedspot.com/top-50-education-blogs-for-educators-and-teachers/ (Top 100 education blogs for educators and teachers-updated Oct. 21, 2016)
http://www.edumatch.education/ (Edumatch)
https://edumatch4education.com/ (Edumatch blog)
https://web.voxer.com/chats/1412378747349_0595091030_47b12722 (Edumatch on Voxer)
http://esheninger.blogspot.com/2016/10/why-every-leader-needs-pln.html (Eric Sheninger: Why Every Leader Needs a PLN)
https://www.edutopia.org/blog/connected-educator-begins-with-collaboration-tom-whitby (Tom Whitby: The Connected Educator: It Begins with Collaboration)
http://connectedprincipals.com/ (Connected Principals)
http://www.connectededucators.org/innovations/ (Connected Educators Blog)
http://blog.schoollibraryconnection.com/ (School Library Connection Blog)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KPbSASr90B-dKGnOufeR8BmbnE8yXtWuxymUg4dQZGM/edit#slide=id.g1598044eee_0_66 (Kimberly Howell: Connecting with Parents: Using Web Tools to Connect)
Closing Slides:
http://k12onlineconference.org/2016/09/28/k12-online-conference-mini-conference-schedule/ (K12 Online Mini-Conference Series beginning October 31)
http://k12onlineconference.org/live/ (Julie Lindsay Keynote Panel Discussion)
http://k12onlineconference.org/2016/10/18/discuss-k12-online-conference-presentations-with-voxer/ (Discuss K12 Online Conference presentations in our Voxer group)
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat will be added to the Livebinder:
https://www.participate.com/chats/k12onlineconf (@pgeorge Peggy George: we have a slow chat going on using Participate Learning right now for the K12 Online Conference! Easy way to follow and contribute)
http://www.twitter.com/lists (Create and follow lists on Twitter)
https://twitter.com/yourusername/lists (Sheri Edwards @grammasheri: Start here to create Twitter lists)
http://edcampglobal.wixsite.com/edcamp (EdCamp Global website)
https://pernillesripp.com/2013/08/08/mystery-skype-jobs-created-by-my-students/ (Pernille Ripp: Mystery Skype Jobs Created by my Students)
https://twitter.com/beverly_ladd (Follow Beverly Ladd on Twitter--2nd grade teacher where her students tweet about their learning)
http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources/-classroom-resources-to-enhance-the-use-of-technology (@pgeorge Peggy George:
We had a super presentation about the Global Math Task Twitter Challenge awhile back :-) Heidi Samuelson presented lots of great resources in that webinar)
https://twitter.com/BcCotter (Connect with Barbara Cotter on Twitter)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/clmooc Sheri Edwards @grammasheri: great hashtag to follow: Connected Learning Mooc: hashtag #clmooc)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/passthescopeedu (PasstheScopeEDU hashtag for great educational presentations on Periscope)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/digiwrimo (Sheri Edwards @grammasheri:
Hashtag to follow for Digital Writing Month--November)
http://www.digitalwritingmonth.com/ (Digital Writing Month)
http://youngwritersproject.org/digiwrimo16 (Sheri Edwards @grammasheri:
Here is young writers project from Vermont for #digiwrimo)
https://signup.com/Parent-Teacher-Conference (Terry:
Another parent communication tool I have seen used that helps greatly for scheduling parent/teacher conferences. The teacher is followed up through remind)
https://twitter.com/hashtag/growthmindsetedu (Barbara Cotter:
Growth mindset EDU is once a month on the first Thursday of each month at 9est)