Thursday, December 30, 2010
9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Elluminate
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2010-12-30.0846.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny URL for recording: http://tinyurl.com/cr20live-smackdown
Recording (chat): http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+DEC302010
Recording (video): https://youtu.be/fIKs-R9gIo0
Animoto Video: https://youtu.be/-ARcoSHpHjs
Topic: 2010 Celebration and Countdown Smackdown
Special Guests: All of US!
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions:
http://twitter.com/liveclass20 (Classroom 2.0 LIVE on Twitter)
http://live.classroom20.com/archive-and-resources.html (Classroom 2.0 LIVE Archives and Resources for all recordings and links)
http://groups.diigo.com/group/classroom-20-live (Classroom 2.0 LIVE Diigo Group-please join and share your links with everyone.
Compilation of our Special Guest blogs for all of 2010! Thank you all for sharing with us!
Angela Maiers Passion-Driven Classroom http://www.angelamaiers.com/
Amy Sandvold Passion-Driven Classroom http://thepassiondrivenleader.wordpress.com/
Lee Kolbert Featured Teacher http://macmomma.blogspot.com/
Donalyn Miller Book Whisperer http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1970104.Donalyn_Miller/blog
Lorna Costantini Connecting with Parents Using Technology http://www.ourschool.ca
Lisa Neilsen, Willyn Webb Teaching Generation Text: Harnessing the Power of Cell Phones in Education
http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/ (Lisa Nielsen's blog)
http://www.willynwebb.com/ (Willyn's website)
Dan Meyer Math Class Needs a Makeover http://blog.mrmeyer.com/
Barbara Bray Joy in Learning http://barbarabray.net/
Matt Montagne Design Thinking and Project Based Learning http://middleschoolblog.blogspot.com
Karen McMillan/McTeach Featured Teacher http://www.notesfrommcteach.com/
Wes Fryer & Conference Co-Conveners K12online Conference
http://www.speedofcreativity.org/ (Blog for Wes Fryer)
http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=51141 (Classroom Blog for Maria Knee)
http://thirdgradediscoveries.posterous.com/ (Classroom Posterous for Jose Rodriguez-3rd Grade Discoveries)
http://2mgems.blogspot.com/ (Classroom blog for Amanda Marrinan)
Zoe Branigan-Pipe Featured Teacher http://pipedreams-education.ca/
Connie Swiderski Virtual Online Conference Hosted on Moodle http://moodle.esc11.net/vtc
Lucy Gray, Steve Hargadon Global Education Conference
Adam Bellow eduTecher http://www.eduTecher.net
Karen Bantuveris VolunteerSpot http://blog.volunteerspot.com/
Scott Meech IEAR (Education Apps Review) http://www.iear.org
Brian Cheek, Jill Tinsley yolink Overview http://www.yolinkeducation.com/education/
Brian Cheek, Ken Shelton, Lucy Gray-yolink Update http://yolinkedu.blogspot.com/
Maggie Tsai, Jason Schmidt, Shannon Miller Diigo v. 5
Diigo http://blog.diigo.com/
Jason Schmidt http://iisquared.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/what-i-like-about-diigo/
Shannon Miller http://sites.google.com/site/unishannonmillerportfolio/home
Miguel Guhlin Moodle Mayhem http://www.mguhlin.org/
Toronto District School Board Panel: Stuart Oakley, T.J. Goertz, Manny Da Luz, Aveline Ristuccia Using Social Media to Support Staff, Students and Families
http://www.facebook.com/toronto.dsb (Toronto District School Board Facebook account)
http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=108026 (Blogmeister, Manny Da Luz’s 2008-09 classroom blog at Deer Park PS)
http://www.tdsb.on.ca/_site/ViewItem.asp?siteid=10391&menuid=23419&pageid=20297 (Director of Education Chris Spence’s Blog)
Aviva Dunsiger Technology Integration in Grade One Classroom http://grade1ad.litcircuits.com
Scott Newcomb, Kyle Menchhofer Smartphone Computers in Rural Schools
Kyle Menchhofer http://www.smriders.net/Administration/kmench/home.htm
Scott Newcomb http://www.smriders.net/Mobile_Learning/
Tammy Moore-Moodle and Elluminate for Online Learning http://www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.com/
Terry Friedlander,Carry Lightner PicLits http://www.PicLits.com
Mike Herrity Connecting with Parents Using Sharepoint http://www.twynhamschool.com/supportinglearning
David McGeary Preparing Effective Online Learners http://trngexamples.wikispaces.com
Matt Montagne, Jose Rodriguez, Sheila Adams EARTHCAST 2010 http://earthbridges.net/
Carly Shuler-Joan Ganz Cooney Center Awards for Innovation in Mobile Learning http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/
Adora Svitak Technology Integration-Student Point of View http://www.adorasvitak.com
Mark Moran Sweet Search and Finding Dulcinea http://blog.findingdulcinea.com
Colleen King Interactive Math games http://mathplayground.com/
Sandy St. Louis, Ramona Pringle, Kim Flack PBS Frontline-Digital Nation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/view/#forum
Jeff O’Hara Edmodo http://blog.edmodo.com/
Scott Snyder Back Channel in the Classroom http://thespian70.blogspot.com/
Kim Caise Web Conferencing http://kcaise.wordpress.com
Sarah Beeghley and Jim Beeghley Civil War Sallie Technology Projects http://www.civilwarsallie.blogspot.com/
Countdown Smackdown Links and Links shared in the chat!
Laura Candler [email protected] "Interactive Fraction Bars”
To find it online, go to http://www.lauracandler.com ->File Cabinet ->Math->Fractions and click on link
or go directly to URL: http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/47750
I chose this tool because it's extremely effective for teaching fractions in elementary school. It's a free interactive tool that can be used on a whiteboard or just projected onto a screen. I wanted to explain it because it's not that user friendly and a 2-minute explanation could help people understand how to use it.
Lorna Costantini Screensteps http://www.bluemangolearning.com/screensteps/
Screensteps is a web application good for authoring tutorials and how-to-guides. I find it very helpful to quickly create blog posts, webpages and pdf's with screenshots and embedded videos. I use the tool for my blogs and Moodle courses.
1.http://screensteps.me/lornacost/jd9yen what is screensteps lesson
what is a screensteps - blog format
4.http://screensteps.me/lornacost/hmwhj7 Screensteps lesson What is twitter
5.http://www.bluemangolearning.com/screensteps/ Screensteps website
Paula Naugle I would like to share Edmodo. I created a group for us called CR2.0 Live Friends. The code to join the group is jp8hww
This is my second year using Edmodo with my 4th graders and they love it. I like that they can use Edmodo without having to have an email address. They are learning how to interact in a free and secure online social networking space. I can post assignments, polls, embed videos and so much more with Edmodo.
I belong to several groups on Edmodo and it helps me continue my learning. I just set up a collaborative group for the fourth graders in my district that we will use in the new year. I am excited by the possibilities it will provide us to connect and collaborate.
Scott Merrick Second Life :)
and http://secondlife.com
I think this tool actually chose me. We meet in Second Life once a month for information sessions about how this "sense of place at a distance" tool can create valuable shared experiences amongst collegial colleagues.Scott Merrick: http://opensimulator.org
Mike DeFoe LiveBinders http://livebinders.com/
I use LiveBinders for my staff professional development because:
LiveBinders is my 3-ring binder for the Web
It collects my resources
Organizes them neatly and easily
Presents them with pride
and best of all, it's free!
Peggy George Evernote (both for iphone and computer) http://www.evernote.com/
Evernote is one of the most valuable tools I use every day. I can add notes from my iphone or my computer and sync to access them either place. I use it to capture chat during webinars and even full day virtual conferences so I have all of my notes and clickable links in one location. The notes are searchable and I can find things easily. You can store PDFs and even add photos. You can clip text from web pages to paste into Evernote. If you're a premium user you can even add docs and spreadsheets to your notes. Evernote is also integrated with yolink search enhancement to clip notes and links.
Donna Baumbach Qrait http://qrait.com
I was looking for something different to continue to show teacher ed students the possibilities and stumbled upon Qrait. It allows you to build a collection of resources on a topic. It could be used by students to gather and Qrait information on their research topic or to build a tutorial. I used it for a quick overview of Animoto: http://qrait.com/users/baumbach/animoto combining Animoto Videos, blog posts, web links, and Tweets. Each topic is called a molecule and each element added is an atom. You can search for and use other people's molecules, and molecules can be embedded in a wiki or webpage. Still in beta, the developer has been very responsive to suggestions from an educator. (I like that!) Similar to Montage ( http://montage.cloudapp.net/ ) but I think easier for students...especially elementary-aged students.
Melissa Getz "Delicious-For me it is more than a mere bookmarking tool. " http://www.delicious.com/home
I am new to Web2.0 and learning without pen and paper nearby. For me, I learn best when I write down what I hear being said. I rarely remember things that are presented orally unless I write them down. This summer I took a training course that used lots of Jing videos. I will use Delicious to tag the video so I know where to go for future reviewing and use the notes area to do the kinesthetic listening. Since the videos were technically proprietary, I have them labeled as private so nobody but me should see they exist. (I hope). The next thing I need to figure out is how to selectively share links with people. I understand that can be done with de.li.cious, but I have not figured it out yet.
Video overview Melissa shared during the session:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U26yPdOpyqwRobin Cochran-Dirksen Biomolecular Explorer 3-D from U-Mass Ed http://www.umass.edu/molvis/bme3d/materials/explore.html
I use this tool to visualize biological molecules ALL THE TIME in lectures. The jMol javas lets you rotate molecules so the students can see what the heck you're going on about.
Patti Duncan Tagxedo (like Wordle, but better)
I chose this tool because I like the creative aspect of it along with the word cloud concept. I see it as a powerful alternate assessment opportunity when students can not only arrange key words for a concept into a cloud, but also do it in the shape of an image... that also represents the concept...
Christopher Lee Floorplanner.com is an online tool for creating simple floor plans. It does require an email address for setup, but it can save designs online and has export capabilities. http://www.floorplanner.com/
I used to use it when I first started teaching Intro to Drafting (because our kids needed training wheels before AutoCAD). Now that I teach Business, I use it for my Entrepreneurship class to do the layout of their startup businesses. It is fabulous and has a very small learning curve.
Barbara Bray Wall Wisher www.wallwisher.com
This is a great brainstorming tool that I use with students and teachers for PD. Go here for an example how we're using it with ISTE SIG ILT
rene palafox http://www.wix.com/rpalafox/tintero http://www.wix.com/karinah2525/Karinah
I chose this site because it's a great tool for teachers and also allows students to create their own pages
Trent Robertson Jing from TechSmith http://www.jingproject.com
In the teaching position of creating "how to" documents for technology training sessions, I stumbled across several products that help me reduce the immense amount of time in creating a "how to" document. Simply, I use Jing to create "how to" videos. Jing is a FREE application. However, there is a Pro version available. There is a maximum of 5 minutes recording time per video. Jing is also a screencapture program as well. Jing records audio. When I find myself needing a substitute teacher, I use Jing for my lesson plans. Enjoy-:)
Diethild Starkmeth World clock http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
The tools helps me to create communication with people around the planet.
Links shared during live session in chat or on mic:
Maureen(@bcdtech): I use http://www.myebook.com to publish student work as embeddable books- easy to use, can add audio, video
Maureen(@bcdtech): is anyone talking about QR codes today? I just started trying them out. http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=51894. I'm using them in the hall- audio embedded in qr codes to go with the work displayed
Bob Pocklington: The best tool I have found and implemented this year has been microsoft onenote. it has allowd me to become much more organized and access all my information, saved notes, documents, videos, etc in on place for each class i teach. Microsoft Office OneNote
this is a livebinder I created to compile all of the links shared during our last mini-geekfest session: http://livebinders.com/edit?id=51493
ColetteC: Diigo has a tool a little similiar to livebinders called WebSlides -takes your links and displays as webpages but you cannot add extra pds, images, etc Check out my example of STEM resources: http://slides.diigo.com/list/ccassinelli/STEM
Lucy Gray: http://postpost.com
atruger: http://www.engineeringinteract.org/
Be sure to check out “Forces in Motion”
Maureen(@bcdtech): Another web publishing tool I've tried out this year is http://simplebooklets.com/
Like mybook, an easy to use, embeddable book to display student work
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=631K_lKPuQs Gapminder video tutorial by wackjacq Joe Jacquot
Terry Friedlander (PicLits): I am always willing to share my enthusiasm for our site
( http:// PicLits.com ) [email protected] for more. Edutainment !!!! pure & simple. View PicLits show on Classroom 2.0 LIVE that demonstrated the tool and uses: http://live.classroom20.com/1/category/piclits/1.html
ColetteC: Cool site - check out: http://primaxstudio.com/stuff/scale_of_universe/
Jan Wells @janwells: My tech tool to share: using Skype in the Classroom http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=704
jan wells" Seeds to Success was part of the 6th day of Christmas in http://livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=52057
Kevin Honeycutt: http://singsnap.com Site for karaoke songs
jodi: I didn't sign up to share but Kevin reminded me of a tool I have my teachers use in the classroom. One for newcasting and for remedial reading. It is http://www.cueprompter.com/
It allows you to type in your words/script or copy and paste them. Then students can read this for practice in fluency or more difficult words....works for newscasting classes as well as for reading fluency. Free and very easy to use.
Maureen(@bcdtech): This is a promo from tales2go good thru 1/15.... free subscription for schools/teachers http://www.tales2go.com/schoolpromo/
aforgrave (Andrew): A few of us have been experimenting with online musical collaboration over the holidays at kompoz.com http://www.kompoz.com/compose-collaborate/home.minisite?siteId=1245
McTeach (Karen): http://www.only2clicks.com/pages/mcmillan
Moderator (McTeach (Karen)): http://guest.portaportal.com/ctkteachers
McTeach (Karen): Will make a only2clicks tab with today's links
Francie Kugelman
5th grade, Los Angeles
Great index of whiteboard activities:
It has dawned on me recently that whiteboard activities can be used by people like me that don't have a whiteboard, but do have an optical projector to share online material with my students.
Something I found on the index listed above - Great activities for an inventions unit, or the history of transportation:
To find the transportation links, go to History on the whiteboard activities link listed above. There is a timeline for transportation called Transport Timeline, and an accompanying encyclopedia called Transport Mini Encyclopedia.
The Transport Timeline website has illustrations of various ships, cars, airplanes. You place them on a timeline. After you have placed the illustrations on the timeline, click the button entitled "period" to find if you are correct.
This interactive tool would be a great way to introduce the history of modern transportation inventions. You could display this in class using an optical projector and have different students come up to move the transportation vehicles to various parts on the timeline.
The website also has a fun link for painting with symmetry. Go to the index link listed above. To find the symmetry activity, go to ICT, then Draw an Egg. Click on mirror for symmetry. By the way, this index link is for early readers. However, I will use whatever works for my fifth graders! They will never know that these links are for Kindergarten students!
jackiegerstein: http://anserupperchildhood.pbworks.com/w/page/31957878/Student-Picasso%27s
Kevin Honeycutt: Sign 4 Me iphone/ipad app-provides sign language instruction in 3D
Kevin Honeycutt: Google Sketchup used with A-R Media that makes it virtually interactive
Paula Naugle (@plnaugle): Check out http://www.neok12.com/
Great list of videos group by topic. The videos are all hosted on YouTube though so my students have to access this site from home.
Peggy George: Appolicious app for sharing your app recommendations with others. http://appolicious.com
Register for free, sync your app library, and then when you follow someone you can see what apps they are using.
Mike DeFoe: http://thinkfinity.org/ Used to be Marco Polo and now Thinkfinity. Fabulous resources for teachers.
Kim Caise: http://freedigitalphotos.net Free site to download stock images and great quality. Another photo site is: http://wylio.com/
Creative commons images you can download and reuse-pay attention to the license permissions.
jackiegerstein: http://www.appolicious.com/tech/articles/4554-best-iphone-apps-of-2010
wackjacq: World Geography: http://www.worldmapper.org
Kim Caise: http://www.backupify.com/
Beverly Dennis Alaska Pacific University: Don't forget wikimedia common for a fabulous archive of photos and other free resources.
Kim Caise: http://mathcasts.org
wackjacq: 1800 video tutorials: http://www.khanacademy.org
Nadia: ReadWriteThink notetaker - http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/readwritethink-notetaker-30055.html
jackiegerstein 2: Vi Hart Math Doodling - http://vihart.com/doodling/
some my favorite new math videos - she is brilliant!
Moderator (jackiegerstein 2): Student Picasso drawings: http://anserupperchildhood.pbworks.com/w/page/31957878/Student-Picasso%27s
jackiegerstein 2: Like the new Hallmark AR cards http://www.hallmark.com/online/webcam-greetings.aspx
Paula Naugle (@plnaugle): Zooburst. AR tool I saw this summer.
Zoe (@zbpipe): http://livewithlivescribe.edublogs.org/
Kim Caise:
jodi: http://cooltools4integration.wikispaces.com/
mauilibrarian2: I use http://moreofit.com a lot to find sites that are similar.
Nadia from Russia: how to use voki in a classroom - http://www.voki.com/
aforgrave (Andrew): There is also an iPhone/iPod app that lets you view pencasts on iDevices (as well as the web) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pencast-player/id389244675?mt=8
KevinHoneycutt: http://cosmospherelearningnetwork.ning.com
Zoe (@zbpipe): Have you all played around on GOOGLE LABS? http://bodybrowser.googlelabs.com/ and http://scribe.googlelabs.com/ are worth exploring
jackiegerstein 2: http://www.reelseo.com/free-online-moviemaking-service-xtranormal-longer-free/
Zoe (@zbpipe): Fun site: http://www.sumopaint.com/app/
Nadia: icebreakers http://www.icebreakers.ws/
jackiegerstein 2: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=132369313
Zoe (@zbpipe): http://www.timetoast.com/
another fun one that my students really enjoyed
Nadia: eGraphics for teaching / learning
mrg_3: new to http://www.diigo.com/ make sure to get the free teacher upgrade
Moderator (KevinHoneycutt): http://artsnacks.org
mrsdurff: be sure to visit my class blog http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=56473