Classroom 2.0 LIVE! Beginner Series
Welcome message from Sue Waters
Series 3 for Beginners: Connecting via Blogging Parts 1, 2, and 3
(Series Dates: October 14, October 28, November 11)
Time Zone Converter:
Part 1:
When: Wed., October 14, 8pm – 9pm EDT
Description: Blogs are becoming a core way in which teachers and students can connect with each other, their local environment and a global audience. This process of publisher/reader/commentator interaction increases student engagement with their subject matter, motivates writing and interaction and changes the way students learn and are heard. In this first session of "Connecting via Blogging" with Sue Waters you will explore how blogs are being used for supporting student learning: ePortfolios, department websites, journaling, professional development.
If you want to watch the previous sessions you will find detailed posts and the show archives here -
To join the session, please click on the link below:
Series 2 for Beginners: RSS, Tagging and Feedreaders
(Aug. 5, Sept. 2, Sept. 16)
Third session-Wed September 16, 2009 8pm–9pm (Eastern)
Where: Elluminate link-
What: RSS widgets and Personalised Home Pages
In this third session on RSS we continue the discussion by looking at all the different ways you can use RSS widgets on websites and check out Personalised Homepages like NetVibes, PageFlakes and iGoogle for managing class information.
If you want to watch the previous session you will find detailed posts and the show archives here -
When: Second session-Wed September 2, 2009 8pm–9pm (Eastern)
Where: Elluminate link-
In this second session of " RSS & making your life easier" we shall continue the discussion on using RSS and how you can use it to manage your workload better
If you want to watch the previous session you will find detailed posts and the show archives here -
To join the session, please click on the link below:
Series 2 for Beginners: RSS, Tagging and Feedreaders
(Aug. 5, Sept. 2, Sept. 16)
What: Beginner Series- RSS & making your life easier
When: First session-Wed Aug 5 8pm–9pm (Eastern)
Where: Elluminate link-
Sue Waters, Edublogs Community Facilitator (, is facilitating a fortnightly beginners series for educators new to technology.
In this first session of " RSS & making your life easier" you will learn what is RSS, why it is important and how you can use it to manage your workload better
If you want to watch the previous session you will find detailed posts and the show archives here -
To join the session, please click on the link below:
Go Wild With Wikis
May 13 Full Elluminate Recording
May 13 MP3 Recording
May 13 Chat log
Exciting new Classroom 2.0 webinar series for beginners will kick off on Wednesday, May 13, 8:00pm Eastern! The new three-part series "Go Wild with Wikis" will be hosted on Elluminate and facilitated by Sue Waters, Edublogs Community Facilitator. In the first session Sue will take you on a guided tour of what are wikis, why educators use wikis, and how to use wikis for their own professional learning and/or with their students. In future sessions you will gradually learn step-by-step details about the different features of a wikispaces wiki including how to set it up, manage it and add content. While our beginner series focus is helping educators new to web technologies learn more about how they can use these tools with their students it will also provide 'takeaways' for the more experienced users. Edublogs and Classroom 2.0 LIVE!, supported by Elluminate will be combining to bring you this series of interactive webinars.
Be sure to join the Beginner Group on the Classroom Ning for continued conversations and updates at
This is the URL for the Elluminate session on May 13.
If If you haven't used Elluminate before, we encourage you to view this tutorial to prepare for the Elluminate session: Elluminate tutorial video. You will also find additional tools to help you get started on the Using Elluminate page.
Sue Waters is well known globally for her role in supporting educators in their use of web and mobile technologies with students. Her inquisitive nature in combination with her ‘trial by practice’ approach has made her a leading innovator in e-learning.
Her passion for technology has lead to transition from aquaculture lecturer, to facilitating elearning and web 2.0 technologies PD workshops to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as Edublogs Community Facilitator. She works closely with all educational sectors and has facilitated several global Web 2.0 projects. Sue provides practical e-learning “how-to’s” through her sites including The Edublogger, PLN Yourself wiki, her personal blog and podcast site.
Sue Waters is well known globally for her role in supporting educators in their use of web and mobile technologies with students. Her inquisitive nature in combination with her ‘trial by practice’ approach has made her a leading innovator in e-learning.
Her passion for technology has lead to transition from aquaculture lecturer, to facilitating elearning and web 2.0 technologies PD workshops to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as Edublogs Community Facilitator. She works closely with all educational sectors and has facilitated several global Web 2.0 projects. Sue provides practical e-learning “how-to’s” through her sites including The Edublogger, PLN Yourself wiki, her personal blog and podcast site. Sue Waters is well known globally for her role in supporting educators in their use of web and mobile technologies with students. Her inquisitive nature in combination with her ‘trial by practice’ approach has made her a leading innovator in e-learning.
Her passion for technology has lead to transition from aquaculture lecturer, to facilitating elearning and web 2.0 technologies PD workshops to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as Edublogs Community Facilitator. She works closely with all educational sectors and has facilitated several global Web 2.0 projects. Sue provides practical e-learning “how-to’s” through her sites including The Edublogger, PLN Yourself wiki, her personal blog and podcast site.