Date:Saturday November 19, 2016
11:00amCT/12:00pm ET
Location: Blackboard Collaborate
Social emotional learning is an important component in all classrooms and we are very pleased to have Ami Shah, one of the co-developers of Peekapak, with us to share an exciting new program for young learners. Peekapak is a freemium website created to help teach social-emotional learning topics such as respect, empathy, teamwork, courage, and optimism. The session will include tips on overcoming key barriers to bringing these topics to your classroom and how you can use technology to support this learning. At Peekapak they know that student success - both in academics and in life - starts with social-emotional learning. They have created a program that is designed for Pre-K to Grade 3 teachers. Developed by education experts, Peekapak's innovative curriculum combines teaching skills like gratitude, empathy and self-regulation with Common Core reading and writing standards through engaging stories and fun lessons to be used in the classroom and in the home. Peekapak is currently being used by teachers across the US and in 70 countries around the world and they are committed to helping children become successful, compassionate, caring, and empathetic citizens of the world! Peekapak was a Grand Prize Winner of the It's a Start Competition and was also funded on Kickstarter, hitting their target in 5 days which is an indication that many people were interested in a program like this! Peekapak aims to make SEL learning resources more accessible with its freemium website. Teachers can sign up for free atwww.peekapak.com.
Ami Shah has earned a MBA from INSEAD, and has gained extensive marketing experience through roles at Procter & Gamble, and most recently, as Director of Retail Marketing at a consumer products start-up. Ami is passionate about improving youth education, and has previously advised, volunteered and taught children at education-related non-profit organizations, schools and start-ups. She is a mentor at Founder Institute Toronto (a startup launch program for talented entrepreneurs.
Blackboard Collaborate( full recording):
Tiny URL for Full Recording: http://tinyurl.com/Peekapak-11-19-16
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/November19_2016
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also to the Livebinder)
Livebinder Link:
(Note: Click on tab for "Peekapak" in the Livebinder).
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peekapak
Website: https://www.peekapak.com
http://bit.ly/2dx1b6d (Resources for Ami’s presentation)
http://blog.peekapak.com/spanish-language-stories-are-here/ (Spanish resources)
https://youtu.be/e0ezd2WMrbg (Video: Get Started with Peekapak)
https://www.youtube.com/user/peekapak (Peekapak YouTube channel)
https://www.peekapak.com/content/teachers.html (Peekapak teacher resources)
https://www.peekapak.com/content/aboutUs.html (Peekapak: About Us and team members/advisors)
https://www.peekapak.com/content/pricing.html (Peekapak pricing and features for Premium version)
https://www.peekapak.com/content/FAQ.html (Peekapak Frequently Asked Questions)
https://youtu.be/un15V2PvXJk (Video: Implementing Peekapak Case Study: with Rahway Public School
https://youtu.be/vT9yzJgHIdw (Video: Elizabeth Public Schools Case Study: Principal Maria Labrador
https://www.peekapak.com/~3/lessonPlan/gratitude-3 (Gratitude lesson plan--must be signed in to access)
https://youtu.be/uQQPqs9Or4E (Video: Why Peekapak?)
https://s3.amazonaws.com/peekaplatform/media/resources/introLetter.pdf (Introductory letter for your classroom)
https://s3.amazonaws.com/peekaplatform/media/resources/peekapakPalsCharacterCards.pdf (Peekapak Character Cards)
https://s3.amazonaws.com/peekaplatform/media/resources/parentsEmailRequestForm.pdf (Introductory letter for parents)
https://www.peekapak.com/content/ourWorld.html (Meet the Peekapak pals)
https://youtu.be/dwpcb-3T3ss (Video: Learning about Gratitude)
https://youtu.be/VOfNxj_pSO8 (Video: Learning about Kindness)
https://www.edutopia.org/sel-research-learning-outcomes (Edutopia: Social Emotional Learning Research Review)
https://goo.gl/rcvIVz (Edutopia: Social Emotional Learning videos)
http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2016/11/08/a-look-back-new-research-shows-why-social-emotional-learning-sel-and-character-education-are-not-enough/ (Larry Ferlazzo: A Look Back-Social Emotional resources)
http://www.weareteachers.com/k-4-social-emotional-lessons-that-help-little-kids-learn-to-manage-big-feelings/ (WeAreTeachers: K-4 Social Emotional Lessons that Help Little Kids Learn to Manage Big Feelings)
http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/social_emotional_learning_why_now (Social Emotional Learning: Why Now?)
https://www.pinterest.com/explore/social-emotional-learning/ (Pinterest pins for social emotional learning)
Closing Slides:
http://learningrevolution.com (The Learning Revolution Network created by Steve Hargadon. We now have Host Your Own Webinars again! If you would like to schedule a free public webinar on Blackboard Collaborate sign up on this site.)
http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar (Host Your Own Webinar
http://tinyurl.com/CR20LIVEFeaturedTeacherNominat (Nominate a Featured Teacher for our shows--you can nominate yourself too if you’d like to present for us)
http://tinyurl.com/cr20livesurvey (Classroom 2.0 LIVE survey link to request PD certificates for live or recorded webinars)
Links added during chat have been added to the Livebinder:
https://goo.gl/NTFQHI (@plnaugle (Paula): My Line Up or Group Up activity)
https://code.org/curriculum/course2/1/Teacher (@plnaugle (Paula): This is an unplugged coding activity I will use with my students during Hour of Code. After they learn how to do the graphing problems, they sit back to back and give each other directions to complete the graph)
https://goo.gl/QISSJB (@plnaugle (Paula): RACK Challenge Board)
http://blog.peekapak.com/spanish-language-stories-are-here/ (Ami Shah: For the spanish books, you can see our first two here)
http://amishah.youcanbook.me (Ami Shah: If anyone wants to be a beta tester, please email me at [email protected] or pick a time on this link)