Time: 9:00am Pacific/10:00am Mountain/
11:00am Central/12:00pm Eastern
Location: Blackboard Collaborate (Formerly Elluminate)
Recording (full): https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/playback.jnlp?psid=2012-11-10.0626.M.ACE02B5F35AA7E7975F015AAC6F794.vcr&sid=2008350
Tiny URL for Recording: http://hnyctt.me/cr20live-CatFlippen-OnlineAssessment-11-10-12
Recording Chat: http://wiki.classroom20.com/CR20LIVE+NOV102012
Audio Recording (mp3):
Follow-up Reading/Viewing Suggestions: (links shared by participants during the session have been added to this list and also in the Livebinder)
LiveBinder Link:
(Note: Click on tab for "Online Assessment & Data Collection" in the LiveBinder.)
http://about.me/CatFlippen (Cat Flippen’s bio and resources)
http://www.slideshare.net/catflippen/online-assessment-data-collection-and-you (Cat’s presentation slides)
http://tiny.cc/FlippenSIGOL2 (Presentation links)
http://www.slideshare.net/catflippen (Cat’s Slideshare presentation channel)
http://www.ctrlaltteach.com/ (Cat Flippen’s blog)
https://twitter.com/CatFlippen (Cat Flippen on Twitter)
http://www.scoop.it/t/edtechevangelist/ (EdTech Evangelist scoop.it created by Cat Flippens “From virtual worlds to mobile learning to gamification, sharing the "good news" of Educational Technology”)
https://sites.google.com/site/flippenarium/ (Cat Flippen’s Flippenarium site for her students)
http://sigol.iste.wikispaces.net/ (Cat’s presentation resources & recording for ISTE SIGOL-ISTE’s Special Interest Group for Online learning)
http://www.edcampatlanta.org/ (EdCamp Atlanta website-free “un-conference” committed to reaching educators to share innovative instructional strategies and technologies that transform education for all students).
http://visual.ly/edtech-cheat-sheet (EdTech Cheat Sheet infographic created by Boundless: Understanding New Trends in Ed Tech)
http://www.quia.com/web (A complete online testing system with automatic grading, immediate feedback, and detailed reporting. Includes online surveys and class web site-$49/year but has many free online activities)
http://www.edmodo.com (Sree, secure place for teachers and students to connect and collaborate, share content and educational applications, access homework, grades, class discussions and notifications.)
http://www.discoveryeducation.com (create basic assessments that collect basic data-free to teachers if their school/district purchases it and provides a code)
http://www.flubaroo.com/flubaroo-user-guide (Flubaroo User Guide: free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments).
http://www.flubaroo.com/try-flubaroo-now (Try Flubaroo Now: Copyable spreadsheet)
http://www.socrative.com (Socrative home page-student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets)
http://t.socrative.com (Socrative teacher page to create online assessments)
http://m.socrative.com (Student page to enter room using code created by teacher)
http://www.quizlet.com (Quizlet: Not just flashcards, two great review games, practice test feature, powerful verbal practice integrator, also can include audio, video, pictures)
http://www.wordchamp.com (WordChamp: Ideally for Foreign Language teachers, great for dual language translation activities, repetitive verb conjugation practice, integrated Web Reader translation assistance (word-by-word scroll over)
http://www.voicethread.com (More than just project narration! Collaborative work and assessments, shareable with other students only option, additional approach to written and presented material)
https://ed.voicethread.com/ (Education version of VoiceThread-Single educator license: $49/year)
http://voicethread.com/mobile/ (VoiceThread app for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
http://www.3dgamelab.org.shivtr.come (3D GameLab (Guildsite): For mastery-based learning, quest-based learning, learning badges and gamification of class elements)
http://edreach.us/channel/disruptors (EdReach Disruptor’s Channel)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/ict/assessapp/ (Shamblesguru: Assessment Apps)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/school/Dbases/ (Shamblesguru: Databases and data collection resources)
http://www.shambles.net/pages/staff/assessit/ (Shamblesguru: Online Assessments)
Links shared during session by participants: (included here and also in the Livebinder)
http://quizstar.4teachers.org/ (QuizStar)
http://www.schooltube.com/video/90c3a945dc3954d0afd6/ (link for a schooltube video on how to create a quiz on Discovery Education)
http://www.robinstechtips.com/?p=394 (How to make self-graded quizzes in Google Drive)
http://www.proprofs.com (ProProfs: comprehensive online tools for building, testing and applying knowledge-large library of public quizzes and assessment tools, as well as a powerful tracking and measurement dashboard)
http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/ (ProProfs School QuizMaker)
http://www.nearpod.com/how-it-works/ (NearPod: iPad app for interactive multimedia for instant feedback to students-can submit curricular content and students can submit responses on mobile devices)
https://jeopardylabs.com/ (Jeopardy Labs: allows you to build Jeopardy games for free. Great for reviewing concepts with whole class.)
http://tenmarks.com/ (For math teachers check out TenMarks. It is free for teachers and allows you to assign Common Core aligned tests to your students and gives you reports)
http://personal.crocodoc.com/ (CrocoDoc: another great site to allow students to leave comments on pdf's or linoit-leaving sticky notes on a video; also great collaborative document-building/reflection piece)
http://photopeach.com/education (PhotoPeach has a quiz feature also)
http://en.linoit.com/ (Linoit: great online formative tool via sticky notes)
http://www.byotchat.com/ (BYOT Twitter Chat: #BYOTchat Thursdays, 9pm EST--Bring Your Own Tool/Technology)
http://goo.gl/WnmJ0 (SlideShare presentation: Action Research Spring 2012)
http://plnaugleclasswiki.wikispaces.com/Surveys (Paula Naugle: check out the surveys and spreadsheets they created (using my acct)-that is how I work around students not having emails. I can also embed GDoc in Edmodo for them to access without emails)
http://bit.ly/Jv2Xjq (Steve Hayes: Here's my list of web 2.0 resources for BYOT - but I will have to updating after Cat's presentation!)
http://www.globaleducationconference.com/page/2012-sessions-and-schedule (Global Education Conference Sessions and Schedule-Nov. 12-16, 2012-free, virtual online conference)
http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/ (Kim Caise: MathType tool. Work with math in 600+ applications and websites. $97 ($57 academic)
https://learnzillion.com/ (Peggy George: LearnZillion has fantastic, free resources for Common Core State Standards including lesson plans, videos/screencasts. Sign up to participate in their free webinars http://learnzillion.blogspot.com/)
http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ (Kim Caise: Rubistar for creating rubrics)